Build Your dCrops Holding Power for Quests Rewards

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Just sharing what I do in dCrops. It's a farming NFT game built on the Hive Blockchain. If you're interested in trying it out, see this guide. Below is a guide for how I make full use of my holding power.

    The basic approach is to buy a seed, plant, harvest and sell for shares. This approach used to give consistent CROP rewards per end of season until the new content was introduced in the form of Cooking and Crafting.

    The incentive to pursue building cooking tools is that you can increase your potential number of shares created per season when you produce recipes that have shares valued greater than the sum of the ingredients used. So for those sticking to conventional plant, harvest and sell route, you'll notice the consistent drop in CROP rewards as other players take advantage of the Cooking mechanic.

    If the cooking and crafting feature was accessible to majority of the playerbase, majority would have jumped in to enjoy the benefits of what BETA edition offered. But alas, the blueprints that have legendary status have a 1% drop rate and trying to pursue this route is feasible if you pay enough. So it's not really content designed for smaller farmers unless you're trying convince people to be gamblers. 3$ per pack for a chance to win that 1% and hope to be entertained versus 3$ spent on my waifu game with better mileage.

    But I'm not posting to keep beating a dead horse, below is an alternative route to earning some rewards for the game using the quest mechanic and some luck. This isn't a recommendation to dump your money in the game. I'm only sharing what works for me so DYOR.

    Step 1: Build some CROP Power on your account.

    Your CROP power is equal to the 15 day average CROP held. Pack contribute around 2000 CROP in the count. You can refer to this post and see other sources of CROP power.

    The shortest route to building CROP power is bulk buying some packs and keep them unopened. The objective here is increasing your chest size rewards.

    dcrops quest.png

    You get 10 items once you're done with ALL the quests objectives + 1 item per 15,000 CROP power held. Depending on your luck with RNG, the chests have these drop rates:

    drop rates.png

    Black: Useful in all situations.
    Blue: Same with black but greater utility during events where the quality and speed of harvesting crops will generate you more event rewards.

    All resource NFTs are nice to have because collecting these things can generate you more income through selling in SWAP.HIVE depending on the market demand. I highlighted Iron Ore being more important than Gold Ore as frequent material in building blueprints but rare to come by.

    Step 2: Actually accomplish the quests. ALL of it.


    The quests objectives are RNG on their own and some quests are unreasonable like asking you to plant/harvest limited edition NFTs that are not feasible in the market due to supply problems. If you are a new player jumping in, and the game requires you to use a limited edition NFTs released months back, you know giving beginner user experience wasn't the objective by the game on that part.

    What I do is just use the reroll quests till I get a set of low hanging fruit objectives. It costs around 10 CROP per roll and sometimes I can spend around 200-300 CROP during bad season starts, but this is a better cost-effective alternative than spending more than that amount buying more NFTs which I don't have.

    If I was new to the game and trying to figure out which seeds to buy, I'll base it on whatever quest objectives I got to work with. I highlighted above the boxes in same colors asking the same things but in different quantities. I only need 4 Bell pepper, 2 onions and 2 peas to get this quest done. This is a almost a lucky set, I say almost because I spent some CROP rerolling for this to happen first.

    Step 3: ... Profit?

    Collect the chest rewards and hope for RNG to bless you. I don't have a screen shot for the set of items you can potentially get from rewards but I'm sure anyone that did their quests know the image.

    I previously highlighted Salt and Pepper being useful because there's always a demand for these items from players that are leveling up their recipe skills. Their value comes from being available only from reward chests and season events, which means supplies are not often restocked on the market creating some demands.

    The resource NFTs would have seasonal demands depending on player activity in the game. What I do is check the discord channel or dCrops market to see trade history and gauge demand. There will be times when based raw materials like wood, stone, ores would vary and these affect their processed products like planks, slabs and ingots.

    I would recommend building blueprints like furnace, kiln, and saw mill to further process these materials. Juggling these requires some patience because there's always a demand generated from players that have a lot of disposable Hive.

    Relying on the plant, harvest and sell routine from base crops will just get you less CROP each season as the reward pool for CROP gets smaller when every other player out there is starting to build equipment to generate them more shares. If there's some consolation, at least you get some daily Hive Airdrops from the reward pool just by keeping your CROP power at or above 20,000.

    I do hoard some resource NFTs to slowly build my own equipment. But I don't really see the need to participate in the race as the current game features requires me to gamble more to get competitive. Trying to maximize the quest rewards and RNG seems like a profitable route because luck is an equalizer.

    Nothing related to CROP power but another route is reviewing the recipe books in the game and check which seeds are likely to be in relative demand. Take for instance Beetroots being expensive because you need these to produce sugar and sugar is included in many recipes. Some seeds will generate you more CROP at the farmers market than selling the harvest for shares.

    The game gives you an estimate of the potential CROP per share value but this number is unreliable because it accounts only for the people that sold their crops before the end of the season. Hours to minutes before the end of season, players can dump their harvested crops or cooked food which further dilutes the numbers resulting in less shares that you may have anticipated early.

    There's no guarantee that selling your crop on farmers market would get bought and sometimes it can stay on sale for days but the chances of it being bought increases when it's a base ingredient for multiple recipes. This fact may help smaller farms to target which seeds they want to buy for their next shopping. drop rates.png

    Thanks for your time.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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