Today I felt tired from the previous day and my husband asked me to go out to enjoy the beautiful atmosphere in the afternoon and buy snacks to break the fast.

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Assalamualaikum wr wb?
    Hello everyone, how are you? I hope you are fine wherever you are. On this occasion I will tell you a little about my activities today, going out for a walk in the afternoon looking for snacks to break the fast because the weather has been very hot since the morning I didn't do any activities. at home I just look after my little son and play with him, that's all my task today in the early morning because I can't do anything because the atmosphere is very hot, making me feel weak in doing household work, at 10 am I go out for a while just to go home the mother who is close to me in the afternoon I went home and prayed and slept with my little son.

    I don't know why today is a little different from the previous day. I am really very helpless in carrying out activities to look after the children. My husband also helps me because my husband is also at home, but I am still strong enough to fast even though I am a little weak. I don't care about the weather. The important thing is that I can fast completely.



    In the afternoon I woke up and only cooked white rice and didn't cook the side dishes because I was really very weak, maybe the weather made things like this, I told my husband I couldn't afford to cook today, my husband casually answered that it would be okay later. Let's just think about the side dishes, said the husband who was very understanding, and the husband asked you to go out for a walk to relieve your weakness. We went out to enjoy the beautiful atmosphere in the afternoon. The husband said, I'm happy, I didn't refuse his invitation, I went straight to the bathroom to clean up. I felt fresher and didn't feel weak anymore when I had a shower and I prayed Asr before leaving and cleaned up my little son because my first son didn't want to come along anymore because he already knew how to play with his friends.



    This is the place we went to, at Simpang Rangkaya, where there are lots of people looking for snacks to break the fast later, in the fasting month we often see it on the streets, lots of people wandering around looking for something to break the fast with, some are just walking around enjoying it. The natural atmosphere was so beautiful, I bought three grass jelly and bought jam bread at the intersection of Rangkaya because from the first day of fasting I had never bought jam bread so today I wanted to buy it, and I bought several other snacks to break the fast. fasting, and here I took pictures of people coming and going home to enjoy the beauty in the afternoon.


    After I bought everything I wanted, I invited my husband to come home because it wouldn't be long before the time to break the fast would come, we went home and I just wanted to make fried noodles as a side dish because my husband also likes fried noodles, suddenly My mother came and brought just a side dish for eating rice. Thank God, I don't need to make fried noodles anymore because I already have it, my mother brought it. Thank you, mother, who knows that your child doesn't cook because he feels weak. My house is close to home. Mom, so it's not surprising that we always hang out together and mom is always there for me.

    That's it from me, I hope you like it and thank you for stopping by my post, friend.

    Greetings @Maulidar

    Thanks you


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