Battle Mage Secrets - Keep Your Distance Ruleset

in voilk •  last month

    Hello Friends,

    Good day to you all and I hope that this day is going well for you.

    Every time I write a post about the better share which I have played on this game is fun. It is fun because I enjoy playing the battle on the battleground. It is also fun because I get to learn many things while playing the battles and no matter whether I win or lose the game. Even when I win then it's fun but when I lose then also it is a learning which I take it for the another battle. I have been learning since the beginning in this game and even now I think that there is a lot for me to learn. This is the power of this fantastic game called splinterlands. I have never seen such a fantastic game before and I'm very happy that I have joined this game and a proud player in this amazing game.



    It's great to participate in this weekly challenge and I can explain some reasons why I like to participate. The biggest region to write the post for battle is to explain the strategy and have better command in game. I know that nobody can win all the battles but still if we can maintain a good ratio then it is good. Explaining it will also has to gain the confidence which I have observed in my case. Every battle is an opportunity for us to explore and more different aspects. Every week a new rule set is introduced through the challenge post and this way we pay more attention to the ruleset. It's an overall learning within the game which I enjoy a lot and this is the reason why I try to participate every week wherever possible.


    Challenge Rule this week - Keep Your Distance

    This rule set for this week is Keep Your Distance and its good but slightly rare as I had to play more to get this battle. Melee attacks can not be used in this ruleset. Double attack including melee can not be used also in the battle in this ruleset.

    Units with melee attacks may not be used.

    We need to be careful while picking the cards when playing with this rule set and below is the point that we need to consider specifically for this rule set. Following this can help us win the battle so its recommended to follow.

    Use Phase, Void, Void Armor, and Magic Reflect to counter magic attacks.


    Cards Picked for the Battle

    Cards selection is another part of the battle and we need to choose the card on the basis of available mana. I got 57 mana for this battle tried picking high mana cards because this is helpful to win more. I still can say that even when we pick the high mana cards then also we may not win because opponent player can have better cards or strategy but its fine as we need to follow the best possible strategy.

    I have taken the below cards for this battle and I am listing down-

    • Noa the Just
    • Venari Marksrat
    • Crustacean King
    • Swamp Spitter
    • Gobson Bomber
    • Ribverboat Captain


    Battle details

    The battle was good and with high mana it gave me option to pick high mana cards but still I lost. I have already said that it is possible as we just cant expect ourself to win every time and this is part of the game.

    This is the battle link that you can go through to see how I played and it will help you have more details about this specific battle-

    I am also sharing some battle snapshots below about this and I discussed in this post that this is a nice and fun battle.




    I lost this battle but its fine and I will be trying my best in the next battle with this ruleset. Its a game so we need to be ready for win and lose both.


    I play battles everyday for fun and also earn some reward so it's good because at the end of the day I get some results that are valuable. I am improving my battle knowledge and strategy skills gradually so its good and I enjoy this journey. The game is for the long term and even though I have not even completed one year but still it's great and I see myself as a better player when I compare myself now and what I was in the beginning. With the challenge participation it gets even better and I am happy that I started participating because this is helping me improve my game knowledge and many things that I come across while participating in the challenge because I also go through the other player posts.

    Declaration- have used images from the splinterlands website wherever not mentioned for this post and these are not mine.

    I am part of the game so if you are not and want to be part of it, please use my link-

    Thanks for stopping by

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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