Kids Bedroom - monomad daily chalenge

in voilk •  3 months ago

    There's a magic in photographing children, a way of capturing the fleeting beauty of innocence and the ever-evolving landscape of their expressions. It's a pursuit of wonder, a chance to freeze a moment in time that reflects the unique spirit peeking through those bright, curious eyes.

    Recently, I had the privilege of spending an afternoon capturing the essence of seven-month-old Brian, a little boy brimming with life and the captivating curiosity that defines this stage of development.The set for Brian's photoshoot was a simple one – a clean white bed provided a blank canvas upon which his personality could flourish.

    A playful touch was added with a giant centipede doll nestled beside him, its vibrant colors a stark contrast to the monochrome theme I envisioned for the session.

    This black and white aesthetic, I believed, would amplify the subtle nuances of Brian's expressions, allowing them to take center stage. Close-up shots became my focus, my lens zooming in to capture the symphony of emotions flitting across his face – a frown morphing into a giggle, a moment of concentration giving way to a burst of pure joy. Each click of the shutter felt like a treasure captured, a tiny window into the world he was experiencing.

    I climbed onto a stool for a few final shots.
    Throughout the session, Brian's parents provided a constant source of gentle encouragement and playful interaction, keeping him engaged and creating a comfortable atmosphere. Their love for their little one was palpable, creating a warm and loving energy that permeated the room. Capturing these moments of connection alongside Brian's individual expressions became a beautiful bonus, a testament to the powerful bond between parent and child.

    Photographing children like Brian is a humbling experience. It's a reminder of the pure, unadulterated joy that exists in the world, a joy that needs no explanation and speaks volumes through laughter-filled eyes and the unrestrained wonder that radiates from their every movement. These moments, captured in black and white, will forever serve as a testament to the magic of his early days, a visual story of his development and the boundless potential that lies ahead. In the end, photographing a child isn't just about capturing an image; it's about capturing a piece of their soul, a glimpse into the remarkable journey of life that has just begun.
    Model : brian
    Have a nice Day ...

    @farideh.shahedisony a7 r iii lens 24-70 f 2.8sigmaArt

    Speed 1/160
    Iso 100
    F : 5.6

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