in voilk •  2 months ago

    Diseño sin título (4).png


    Good afternoon to all the Rising Star Game community!


    Today I bring you news, in this last week I have been working on creating a tool that allows Rising Star users to buy in quantity the cheapest cards in the NFT market according to various parameters, such as price per fan, price per luck, price per skill and price per luck but of the instrument to which you are dedicating the lessons.
    During the last month, I have spent time reviewing the documentation of Hive, Hive Engine and Keychain to familiarize myself with their ecosystem and to be able to develop in it. Despite my limited experience, I had the opportunity to develop the following Discord bot.


    This bot's main purpose is to collect information about the Hive ecosystem. For example, it can search for a user's last posts and find out when he will be paid and how much, as well as check the balance(s) of a token for a specific user. It also provides statistics related to Rising Star, such as level, number of fans, skills, luck, amount of rare cards, epics, among other things. Finally, I have added the possibility of being able to get a winner of a raffle of a post.



    It's been a lot of fun for me to create the Discord bot, so I've been thinking about starting another project to keep learning. Since the Rising Star card marketplace has experienced little activity in recent weeks due to the absence of the excellent application developed by Foxon, I've decided to take advantage of my experience with Node.js and Express.js to develop an application that replicates some of the functions it fulfilled.


    Rising Star Utils has the following features:
    • The possibility of being able to buy fans, skill, luck averaging a price for each unit of them.

    • The ability to buy UP TO a limit of 40 cards in a single transaction.

    • Log in system that requires the user to sign with the POSTING key to authenticate that it is him.

    • I have taken the trouble to manually add the type of instrument to all the rare, epic and legendary cards, so I can make a section where you can buy the instrument you use for your lessons.

    The result is the following page Rising Star Utils: it has been tested by some users of the community, and so far no bugs have been observed, all reviews were positive. However, it is likely that there are some errors.



    The work on Rising Star Utils does not end here, most probably in a few weeks I will be back with more news about the development. For the moment, my short term goals are:
    • Use of sockets.io in the application that will allow the rendered cards to be added/deleted in real time for all users using the page simultaneously.

    • When logging in with Hive Keychain, reflect some user statistics such as balance, fans, luck, etc.

    • Add a section to buy skill/fans together and another one to buy cards for lower price.



    Thank you all very much for taking the time to read about my new application, any advice either about ideas for the application or about programming will be totally welcome. I am still learning in the development world, so it is very likely that I can make mistakes.



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