It Takes So Little To Be Kind

in voilk •  4 months ago

    First off, I am so happy to have found this community, and of course I was not surprised to see @wesphilbin involved in the creation.


    Kindness as a act is something every one wants to receive and unfortunately is also something people rarely give out. I believe kindness doesn't really require spending money, but in most cases requires our time and dedication. At the center of kindness is love, you cannot be kind if you do not love. I have a friend who runs a recovery program in Nigeria for youths totally free of charge. He does not get a dime from grants or any form of government funding, but his energy is so full about the work that he does to the point that even if a resident graduates and relapses, he doesn't give up at all (I think I would, after spending all my time and money on a person just to see them relapse).

    You might not have the resilience and patience like my friend does, but can be kind in your little way. I believe the best way to help is to help those closest to you. if you can not help your neighbor, how do you intend to help someone you can not see. It is almost impossible to go a whole 24 hours without seeing a need. and I am glad to be in this community where I am challenged to do good in any way I can. It could be a phone call to someone who is lonely, a visit to the orphanage, or buying a hose so neighbors do not have to go long distances to get water. I am inviting you to join in and make this worth it. Let's make the world better, one act at a time.

    Thank you for reading
    All content is mine except otherwise stated

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