in voilk •  5 months ago

    I Remember growing up as a child there were lots of promises I received from my mum and dad that were never fulfilled even uptil date and I was always disappointed

    As a growing child I was among the bright students then always at the second top of the class my dad promised me then that any day I become or get to the first top of my class he was going to get me a bicycle ooh wow I doubled my efforts because I have always dreamed of having one I took my studies more serious than ever I keep late nights reading just so I will be the very first in my class sure the semester ended and my efforts really paid off cause I actually took the first position in my class but guess what my dad never fulfilled his promise of getting me a bicycle and then he said "alright my promise to you is still active just remain in the first position the next term and I will get you your bicycle" well to cut the long story short I continued been the first in my class but never got the bicycle well it didn't stop me from studying hard but then I stopped believing in my Dad

    That's exactly what happens when we make promises that we cannot not fulfil both to children and to adults people stops believing in us our words will lose value to them because within them they already Know we aren't going to do what we say

    As Brother Eli Soriano said, it is better not to make a promise that we might never fulfil because we don't know what tomorrow holds for us Proverbs 27:1

    Even in making a vow or promise to God it is better not to make a vow than making and not fulfilling God called such people fools Ecclesiastes 5:4-5 so even God is against unfulfilled promises

    Brother Eli advices that It is much better to give a surprise to someone when they are not expecting a thing yes surprise lifts up the spirit it brings joy and happiness to the receiver because they weren't expecting it so to them it's like an answered prayer from heaven Proverbs 13:12

    I remembered the year my Aunt surprised me with a Christmas gift I was very delighted I wasn't expecting it because she didn't mention a thing about getting me any Christmas gift it was like the best thing that happened in my life that year and all through the days I played with the gift I prayed for God to bless my aunty so she could get me more surprises

    And today I bless God for this teaching that gave me clearer understanding of the importance of not promising anything which am not sure of fulfilling rather it is best to give a surprise which with lift up the spirit of the receiver in joy and happiness and to express love more




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