You're an Overcomer.

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Overcoming challenges isn't a simple thing. I don't know, maybe yours is, but there are people with actual problems, which makes it hard for you to find them smiling or even think of helping others. Life is leading them with a good point even in the second half, so what would you expect from them?

    These people have real-life troubles that get them thinking all about themselves and no one else, and you can't blame them because you aren't in their shoes. The truth is that you can never be in their shoes no matter how hard you try to fit in. Also, if by fate these people find themselves in a society or country that adds a lot more to their problems, you'll see their face up like a soldier who has seen lots of things in war because they have. Life is a war zone to them each day they rise to see the morning sun.

    And they have just one thing in mind. Survival. The need to survive the harsh weather given to them by life and edge forward regardless of who gets hurt. They've been hurt too, so just pardon their behavior, right? The world made them do it! Family, love life, business life...all gone to the drain like they are nonexistent, so why should they show kindness to the same world that hurts them? The same world took everything from them and left them penniless with no name. If it were you... no! It can't be you. But if it were you, would you be able to take just a quarter of the pain they've taken and still smile or show kindness afterwards? Hmm, I don't think so.

    You can't take it because it is soul crushing. It's unimaginably painful to see everything you stand for stand against you. No one is there for you. No one to cry to. All alone in a spherical world, you curl yourself up like a worm in the storm with dried tears as you struggle to breathe. Each day, you find yourself in a cruel world, and still the world demands something from you... something unimaginable in your position but achievable, but you are in no place to fulfill that want. Something as simple as the word, kindness is not something you can give because you don't have it.

    Life has set barriers regarding kindness toward your path, and it is overbearing, and you can not overcome it because you have no power to, but is that true?

    There's no doubt that barriers exist in life to help us think. To shape us and make us reason. Finding another way out or thinking of crossing over or smashing through the barrier on our way. Life brings these challenges to our paths and dares us to overcome them. It is a dare that can be done. Let's not allow what we face to turn us into something that won't let us stare in the mirror.

    Truly, there are barriers in life that can get overwhelming. And I don't know what you are going through or have gone through. And you surely do not what I have passed through in life. Still, let's not let life define us with the barrier set. We need to overcome it and not let our problems affect those around us.

    The truth is that, sometimes, a little kindness can solve our lives problems. So why should you allow the pain you face be faced by others? You've felt it and know how dangerous it is. Therefore, helping others who are in need of help can do a lot to your heart. Just like a baby's smile, so innocent and pure. The kind of smile that brings people together.

    You should know that you are an overcomer, so don't let your problem deter you from being kind, and with that said, here's a song for you.




    On Friday, I wrote a post about the kind of men I adore, which is my message to the men that exhibit this character on how proud I am of them. I used a picture of a friend, and he was delighted to not just see it but also read the message attached to it.

    Saturday came with music, which came in with its inspiration. I sent a message to those who are scared to move on or find a way out because they don't know what lies await. And with the post came an amazing song of encouragement. You can find the post here.

    Sunday also came with some heartfelt song of encouragement edging people toward not giving up. Despite the challenges faced, the post served as a reminder that we should get up and keep moving.

    I went out on Monday and got a friend something very nice. He was happy and thanked me continually in his way without using a nice word😄.

    On Tuesday, I wrote a post about cosmetic surgery, which I explained it isn't something I would do no matter how much money flows easily into my account. With this, I have shown self kindness to myself for choosing not to go through such pain to change my physical appearance.

    Wednesday came with a message on WhatsApp from a very close friend who was sick. She hasn't been able to eat since her sickness started, so she requested I get her peppered chicken, which I did, and she was so happy that I was glad I made her day.

    And then today, I called home and also spoke with my twin sister and told her to send me recent pictures of her baby so that I'll write about her on the blockchain and wish her a happy birthday. She was so happy when I asked that and sent me cute pictures right away.

    Image-Sources 1 2

    Video gotten from #YouTube.

    Still yours truly,

    Thanks for reading and listening.

    Peace be unto those who crave it and more to those who chase it away.

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