Work Immersion Journey: My Life as an Assessor Trainee

in voilk •  3 months ago

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    Are you prepared to work?

    As a student, being prepared for work is crucial for us because it enhances our confidence and ability to handle challenges effectively. The time will come when you will move to different fields where new challenges await, and being well-prepared is important not just physically but also mentally and emotionally.

    As you enter the workplace, you will encounter different people with different personalities. How can you manage to handle that?

    Let me share you my experiences as an Assessor Trainee


    As we deployed to our different fields, our emotions were mixed up. We felt happy, excited, and nervous. Happy because we no longer had classes *"just kidding," To be honest, we were happy because we could finally experience and see what it's like being in a work field. Excited because we had new things to learn and discover. Nervous because we didn't have any idea what Assessors do and we were afraid of getting a strict mentor.

    Actually, my first choice was to be a teacher, but my teacher said that it was full. I saw the Assessor Field, which grabbed my attention, so I decided to choose this one. My work immersion teacher said that it involves tax, measuring lot areas, and traveling, so I thought it would be quite fun and exciting.

    What does an Assessor really do?

    As we began our first day in the Assessor's office, they greeted us with a heartfelt welcome and let us introduce ourselves. Our mentor oriented us to the rules and regulations inside an Assessor's office, and the dos and don'ts.


    When we were assigned a task, we were speechless because they handed us a book. Not just any book, but a big book. When we opened the book, our eyes got big because it covered different properties and involved thousands and millions of amounts.

    If you're wondering what is that book all about it's called the Tax Declaration of Real Property. It covers the data of every different owner of a lot. There, you can see the people who bought a lot and also the different lot areas and types, whether it is commercial, residential, agricultural, educational, government, and more.



    Every book is classified according to each barangay with color coding. The first thing that was given to us is the Cancellation of Tax Declaration. It happens when there is an error in the declaration or changes in tax or adjustment. In doing that, you need to review all the details written on it. You need to focus and concentrate. Every detail is important and confidential. You aren't allowed to go outside along with the book, and you need to be careful with the numbers or the amount because if not, it will be a big problem.



    The next thing we do is doing an assessment roll. This includes information of each property such as its location description, the tax declaration number, lot area, market and assessed value, and more. You need to check one by one if the information matches the information in the computer.


    We also experience trace backing. It is where you need to check all the owner's past records up to the present to provide evidence or support for the reported information on the ownership.



    As we underwent work immersion as Assessor trainees, doing these things every day has been challenging for us. You need to arrive early, clean the office before they arrive, deal with a lot of clients, and face new challenges. We are so busy all day long. We even went home with haggard faces.


    But after all the challenges and struggles that we encountered, we were able to stand and conquer our fears. Finally, we successfully completed our work immersion training. Here, we are given a certificate as completion of our work immersion training.


    Being a worker is not easy. I learned that if you have problems in life, you should set aside your emotions as you enter your workplace because it might affect your work performance. Also, learn to communicate with other people because it helps you to build strong relationships with the people around you.

    I realize that being a worker requires punctuality, hardwork, patience, diligence, determination, and eagerness to learn new things. Be accountable for your mistakes or the responsibilities you've committed to. It may be tough, but this will help you to develop and grow and to become a good worker in the future.


    Be an open-minded person, learn to adopt new environments, and be willing to learn and maintain your positive attitude in the face of challenges. Embrace the learning opportunities with enthusiasm and optimism. Remember, throughout your hardships, success is waiting for you in the end.

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