Photo shooting between 💐 flowers

in voilk •  3 months ago


    I must not be the only one who has to recharge a lot every time has even a minimal contact with nature, and although it is not as I would have wanted, going to that garden and seeing every color of each of those flowers, outdoors, with the warmth of the sun, I feel that my energy rises to 100%.

    Although I don't consider myself as photogenic, I love to take pictures of myself, my only fear is when someone else is pointing the camera at me, the rest, I like the ones I take myself, since one usually knows the angle that favors him/her. In this case I didn't mind that, the simple fact that the background is a garden with beautiful flowers and the contrast of all those colors make the images look fantastic.

    Let's just say that my boyfriend is not the best photographer in the world either HAHAHA so it's hard for me to choose a picture where I look really good when I ask him for some pictures, this time, it was a little different, more were the ones I liked than the ones I didn't, and that's more than enough to share them in this post.

    No debo ser la única que se debe recargar un montón cada que tiene asi sea un minimo de contacto con la naturaleza, y aunque no es como lo hubiese querido, ir a ese jardin y ver cada color de cada una de esas flores, al aire libre, con el calorcito del sol, siento que mi energía sube al 100%.

    Aunque no me considero tan fotogénica, me encanta tomarme fotos, mi único temor es cuando otra persona esta apuntandome con la cámara, del resto, las que me tomo yo me gustan, ya que uno normalmente sabe el ángulo que le favorece. En este caso no me importó eso, el simple hecho de que el fondo sea un jardín con preciosas flores y el contraste de todos esos colores hacen que las imágenes se miren fantasticas.

    Digamos que mi novio tampoco es el mejor fotografo del mundo JAJA así que me cuesta escoger alguna foto donde me vea realemnete bien cuando le pido algunas fotos, esta vez, fue un poco diferente, más fueron las que me gustaron que las que no, y eso basta y sobra para compartirselas en este post.

    Pictures are my property, taken with my iphone 11
    English it's not my native language, i apologize for any mistake in this post.
    I used DeepL to translate.

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