Morning Walk & Recruiting to Hive

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Good day Photo Lovers.

    i think this is my first time posting in this #photolovers community.

    This morning i decided to take Mille (my daughter's family's #dog) for a walk.

    i took a photo of her last night in the living room.

    This is Millie:

    i'm not "a photographer", but i do take pictures using my camera phone. i have it set to " High Quality", but if i upload an image i usually reduce the size to 1000 pixels wide to save data.

    So, i set off at about 11:00 today and walked along the path towards the cemetery. Coming the other way was a gentleman walking his dog. He had a camera with a big lens. Our dogs said hello and so did we. He told me he was a phograoher and graphic artist, now retired.

    i asked if he published his work and he said he used to on Facebook and would get quite a few likes and comments, including some from locals who he had met up with IRL sometimes. But he said he would sometimes get "bad" comments and i think he's more or less stopped posting on FB now.

    So, i told him about Hive and how he could earn a little cryptocurrency if he posted there and received "Likes" (UpVotes on Hive). i didn't mention (yet) that he could even sell some as NFT's.

    He gave me his email so i can send him details and will help him where needed (sending him a link to this Newbie Guide for example - check it out)

    i then contined to walk towards the cemetery, Millie having a couole of poops on the way, then through the cemetery across the lane to a recreation field.

    Here's a couple more pics of Millie:

    Later i went to a pub in town to watch the rugby. England beat Italy 24-17

    Peace & Love

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