
in voilk •  3 months ago

    Sometimes, things could be avoided, but then we don't pay attention, we don't listen .
    Sometimes take sometime and listen to people

    Listen to that child,he or she may be battling with an assault or bullying,pay attention to every detail of their conversation,they might give you cues but you won't get it except you take time to listen to what they have to say.
    Look closely at that child who's always wearing long sleeves even on a hot sunny day, you think it's her fashion sense but if you look closely and listen, there's cuts on her body no one else sees.
    The other day she told you she likes razors, but you waved it off , "she's just a child, doesn't know much" you thought, she'll cut herself today again, if only you listened.

    Listen to that Classmate,she lost her mom and then her dad and she's been through a lot lately,the whole class thinks she's weird because she never talks but she gave you cues by crying so much when you sat with her the other day.
    "I miss them" she muttered hoping you'd ask her what's going on so she could talk to someone but you stood up and left to another seat,I know you like your space but sometimes, listen,save someone from depression.

    Listen to your spouse,the other day he came home exhausted, and frustrated as well,he had a bad day at work and was almost fired,his salary got deducted and he has a lot on his mind,his eye bags are so dark and I know you didn't observe but he tried to talk to you in the room.
    "I've had a long day with the kids ,not today"
    He turns around and lays alone, you're there but he's alone, there's no one to listen to him, and you are his perfect audience but you don't have the time.
    Listen to him before the lady next door does .

    You don't need to do to much to listen, just be observant , there's a message in their smile,laughter conversation, appearance, mannerism or behavior.
    Look deeper than what's on the outside.
    Be a listening ear to someone today.
    Sometimes the solution to a problem is found when it's shared.
    For there's a quote that says a problem shared is halved.
    Now I'm not saying you should go around looking for gossip 😄
    Just listen to that friend, child, husband,wife , classmate of yours,it goes a long way.

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