Weekend-Engagement Week #199: Growing Up as an Only Child with Strict Parents

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Some people say that being an only child is an advantage. Why? It's because you get everything without having to share it with your siblings. Well, that's true... but in the same way, we also get all the attention... as if our every move was monitored. And when we do something wrong, of course, we get all the punishment.

    I'm an only child and my parents were really strict especially when I was young. Well, it was mostly my mama since my papa had to work and wasn't home that much because he was stationed (he was a policeman) in another place away from our city back then.

    She was especially particular with my grades. Whenever there was an upcoming test, I wasn't allowed to go out. I had to stay in my room to study. If I don't do what she asked, I'd be punished.

    I remember there was this Sunday when my cousins visited. (My family used to live in the same compound as my late grandma, so my cousins usually visit on Sundays.) We don't go to the same school, so we didn't have the same exam period. I was "imprisoned" in my room that time to study. I really wanted to go out and play with them, so what I did was call my female cousin over to my room so we could play.

    That time, my mom was at grandma's. My cousin and I started playing and having fun in the room when another older cousin saw us from the window. He knew about my mama's rules, so he reported to my mama.

    When she knew about it, she immediately went home, made my female cousin go out of the room and extended my study time. That was just a warning, but yeah... it was jail time! haha

    She allows me to make mistakes on exams, but it should be limited to at least three mistakes. One time, we had a surprise quiz and I got a low score (same with all the other students), she got really angry and blamed me for not studying enough and spending time playing outside.


    She used to either use the clothes' hanger or a slipper to hit me. It was funny though because I try to runaway from her... then she'd throw either of these stuff to me, but she couldn't hit me because I'm a ninja... and whenever that happens, she gets angrier, but I'd start laughing because she still couldn't hit me... and somehow, she'd start laughing while saying, "Stop moving! Let me hit you just once!". haha I love her, though!!! <3


    Another thing my mama was so particular about was my penmanship. When I was young, we had to write a bunch of things for school. She'd check my notes every time. When I had too much erasures, she'd tear the page down and make me write again. When she's not satisfied with my handwriting, she'd tear the page and let me write again and again and again to the point that I was already crying because my hand hurt so much. Well, I like my penmanship now, so it's ok. haha

    This strict about school phase only lasted for a while, though. I got addicted to anime at a young age and in order to be able to watch it freely, I made a deal with my mom. I asked her to give me one school term of watching anime and doing my study style (studying in front of the TV or while listening to music). If my grades improved, she'd set me free from her study rules, but if my grades become worse, I'd have to follow her diligently.

    Guess what?! Not only did I improve, but I slowly climbed the rankings in class. She was so happy and she just let me study the way I want it. haha The power of anime is real!!!!

    Fast forward high school and college... my teenage years. Well, I wasn't the rebellious type. I still did well at school, and I didn't go out that often. However, I had a very strict curfew.

    In high school, when someone asked me to hangout together, they'd have to personally ask my mama for it. Yes, she knows all my friends. Well, I don't really mind as I've always been a homebody. My friends almost always end up hanging around our house instead and she'd prepare us some snacks. Also, I sometimes use my mama as an alibi when I didn't feel like going out. shhhh~

    One thing though, I musn't go beyond the curfew... which in college was Cinderella's curfew of 12mn or earlier depending on our agreement beforehand. (I live with them, so I had to abide by my parents' rules. haha)


    If I tell beforehand that I'd be late, they wouldn't really mind as long as I update them (especially mama) from time to time. They're just worried because even if they trust me, they don't trust the surroundings. Well, my country isn't that safe after all.

    I remember this one incident when I met up with some friends. It was our friend's birthday and we were just in the mall. We watched a movie, ate out, and mostly spent our time at the arcade playing games and singing karaoke. We lost track of the time to the point that the arcade was already dark and we were asked to go out. lol

    I originally promised mama that I'd be back at around 10PM that time, but it was already past 10pm when we went out of the arcade and my house was around an hour away. Then, the transportation one of my friends (who went to the same direction going home) and I took got broken and my phone battery died. I arrived home past midnight already. My parents were awake waiting for me and when I greeted my mama and explained what happened, she gave me the silent treatment. haha

    Papa told me to just go freshen up and sleep. It took me a while to woo my mama back into talking to me again. hahaha But eventually, she gave in.

    Now, they're the ones who ask me to go out from time to time as I'm mostly at home either working or doing my hobbies. haha I will... when I get the chance (and money) to do so.

    Thanks for reading and see you around! (^^,)/

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