Day 10 - Time for a little gratitude

in voilk •  5 months ago

     "NaJoPoMo 24 - Day 10.JPG"

    Some days my brain takes off. I still have a schedule to keep without or without the ability to string together thoughts and words. Maybe it's the back to back 4am wake up calls I had this week, but today was one of those day. And anytime I'm struggling with the words or my pen stops scribbling across my page I roll into some gratitude.

    It's my trusty trick to get the words on the page. I just start listing all the things I'm grateful for like:

    • my Apple watch that gently taps my wrist to wake me up seconds before my nag of a phone destroys the silence with an air raid/duck n cover alarm
    • my fabulous home office coffee bar I made from an old desk. My shiny Nespresso machine is primed and ready to caffeinate me all day long
    • I'm grateful for my soft fuzzy socks. They help me pretend it's a TV land Fall season here when it's 98 degrees outside and I'm sweating in my pumpkin spiced latte.
    • which leads me to sing my thanks for the wonders of air conditioning.

    You get the idea. So what do you do when the words won't come?

    Day 10 - National Journal Posting Month completed√

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