Somebody Need To Get This

in voilk •  9 days ago


    Somebody Need To Get This

    You have gone to school at a very young age.

    You have graduated, and now have a certificate with you.

    You apply for jobs, and you get one.

    Wow! Its a well paying job.

    Good money is flowing in.

    Its time now to do dorime (partying) and spend recklessly on women, alcohol, and irrelevant family members.

    You are on a high.

    Well, it's ten years into your job.

    No house of your own.

    You are busy renting houses up and down.

    And in this part of the world, if you don't own a house, you are not stable yet.

    At least, thank heavens we don't pay taxes for owning houses yet.

    You wander about in life, squandering every money that comes your way, and not making any good use of it.

    Guess what?

    With time, you either lose the source of money, or accumulate bad habits you can't recover from.

    Simply because you are bad at managing money.

    What does it mean to manage money?

    It means to use money in such a way that the money goes into the right type of work, and into productive ends.

    So when you make money, you are supposed to be able to channel that money into investments in yourself, in business, in building your own house, in owning properties, etc.

    Who told you that you can be rich without owning something?

    Who told you that?


    The first step to good money management is budgeting.


    You have to learn how to budget money, before the money leaves your hand.

    But what does it mean to budget?

    To budget is simply to plan what money you will spend, what money you will save, and what money you will invest.

    It is simply about planning your money before that money leaves your hand.

    And why is budget important?

    Very simple.

    If you don't plan your money before the money leaves you, you're going to spend that money on things that are irrelevant.

    You will spend on less important things, leaving more important things unattended to.

    So you must make a budget before you spend any money.

    And the budget contains, how much money you're going to allocate to each thing you want to buy.

    The budget also tells you how much you're going to save, and how much you're going to invest.

    If you want to be able to manage money properly, start with budgeting.

    No matter what you are doing as a young man, don’t waste the monies you are making in your teens and twenties, instead of sponsoring a girl, clubbing or drinking away your resources, please build a house for yourself.

    These little monies that come into your hand, when managed properly especially those with skills and single working guys can be used to set up a life.

    If you are wasting your single days and you plan to be responsible with funds when you get married then you will be making a big mistake, raising kids will drain you.

    As a matter of fact do it now without bills, don’t waste your money on taking up the responsibilities of your siblings that your parents who had them couldn’t, everyone should learn to hustle.

    You don’t want to be caught up in your 50s and 60s without a roof over your head.

    You can’t depend on your kids who are also trying to survive.

    Intentional living is the best way to live, it is better they say you are too fast in life than to be late.

    Stop doing fasting that will drain your energy and make you non productive in the name of seeking for powers, get out there and do something with your life.

    They only talk about big dreams but no action to qualify it.
    stop being lazy and go out there.

    You can’t be broke as a man and a woman brings an opportunity and you neglect it but want her to give you money from her struggles?

    We understand you are broke but when an opportunity comes grab it with your whole self.

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