The Poland List: September 2024

in voilk •  6 months ago


    I have been compiling lists of Hivers in various countries using @hivesql. The profile location data is not very consistent, but I try to group people by area when there are a few. There may be some mistakes due to my lack of local knowledge. If I have listed you incorrectly then please let me know.

    It actually does not take long to put these lists together, but finding all the people in a country takes more work. I will leave it to the national communities to do that and will make the source data available on Github. Anyone can edit that and use my scripts to produce posts like this. It just needs a little Python knowledge and I can assist to get you started.

    I have no plans to run these lists often (apart from the monthly #Britlist), so it will be up to others to do so. Please tag me if you do and I will support the posts.

    Polish flag from Wikipedia

    Other Countries

    Currently there are lists like this for:

    You may note that some big Hive countries such as USA and Venezuela are not on this list, but those will be big jobs to compile and I would need help with them.


    I had a request to do this one from @hallmann and my query found quite a few. I had to change my script a bit so that I could search for different versions of place names and combine the results. It seemed to have some issues with the Polish alphabet and so I had to edit the list a bit manually. I could not be sure which versions of the names I should use, so feel free to correct me.

    There is a real hub of Hivers in Krakow around the @krolestwo 'kingdom'. We had a talk about that at Hivefest. People are using HBD to pay for things there. We need more such efforts around the world. Just getting Hivers together tends to make things happen. Of course we had a Fest there a few years ago that I attended.

    One of our top witnesses is from Poland and I know a lot of the core developers are based there too. I will have missed some people who did not have obvious profile metadata. I am sure there are a lot more expats as Poles get around. I happened to find one in the UK recently, so I included her.

    The Numbers

    Warsaw (1/1/3)

    Posting: @konradz16

    Voting: @adamdo

    Inactive: @apiekarczyk, @ittes1993, @thomasward9

    Gdansk (1/1/0)

    Posting: @just-my-name

    Voting: @kittykate

    Krakow (13/9/8)

    Posting: @czwartek, @grawitacja, @grupa-rowerowa, @hallmann, @hive.aid, @krolestwo, @ksiazki, @mligeza, @olusiu, @rozku,, @szmulkberg, @wadera (and Grundarfjörður Iceland)

    Voting: @bartosz546, @hivebeecon, @justynao, @longer, @marcon, @pgrab86, @reinmar, @shopinbit, @wierzbik

    Inactive:, @ania.werner, @azes, @kamilkowalski, @kowalscy-team, @mwcislo, @patent-wynalazek (Wieliczka), @rynek (Królestwo Bez Kresu)

    Olawa (0/0/1)

    Inactive: @lipszczak

    Wrocław (0/1/2)

    Voting: @witkowskipawel

    Inactive: @artur9010, @jaszczur

    Poland (39/33/53)

    Posting: @aleximprovement, @alongthetrail, @androshchuk (and Ukraine), @avtandil (Łódź), @barreloflaughs, @bezkresu, @bowess, @brudnopis, @fervi, @foggymeadow, @fraktale (Wołowice), @fundacja, @gabp, @gerber, @ggenos, @gtg, @gwyddpel, @helcim, @herosik, @iconfinance, @klub-wloczykijow, @kornolio, @kubak, @laaca, @leancenter, @matisport, @mciszczon, @merthin, @mespanta, @monstercardstore, @osak (and Austria), @photovisions, @polish.hive, @rozioo, @smazur-foto, @szejq, @wayward-dreams, @weare-9c-com-pl (Poznań), @zwora

    Voting: @astromaniak, @barcisz, @ciekawski, @dexxx30, @dragokazo, @fractalnode, @fundacjaanotak, @grzyb77, @hive-134382, @instytutfi, @jarosalawszafran (Zamość), @jo-hannes, @konradxxx3, @kryptofoto, @kws-squitoz, @leader7, @lukmarcus (Siechnice), @m-san, @marekwojciakcom, @napotem (Rybnik), @nervi, @piotrgrafik, @planet-rium, @pstryk, @rafalski, @rj-photo, @rsphotos, @sarmagames, @sepone, @txmek, @velmafia, @victoriakorol (Zielona Gora), @voxmortis

    Inactive: @acronyms, @adalbertus, @aditor, @alberimsi, @ancymonek, @arrrthurst, @asherwelch, @autoriada, @barbarossastudio (Białystok), @bbb2020 (and Spain), @beaglee (Olsztyn), @biblioteczka.agi, @brzezinho, @calcifero, @czcibor360, @dmytrokorol, @emsonic,, @grzegorz2047, @gunslingercyborg, @huragan3k, @iamyourreward, @ilodz24hd, @inqud, @intellihandling, @jhalik, @jozef230, @khrom, @kolorowa.wiedzma, @kosikredki, @kwskicky, @lelon, @malolacik, @mar.gor, @mariavorce, @markoslaw (and Russia), @noisy (Oława), @peter.goki, @piewca, @project262, @przemyslnik, @rekodesign, @robertonis, @sisters, @slavomiro.vonzo,, @towilmasz, @winvanity, @wynikilotto, @xghashcoin, @xghashing, @yourmind, @zygibo

    Expats (1/0/0)

    Posting: @blue.raspberries (UK)


    Total active Poland: 54, Expats: 1


    This shows the numbers in each category of the active and voting accounts. Level is based on 'VESTS' with Minnow equating to a million VESTS.


    Minnow28586.37 HP
    Dolphin85863.65 HP
    Orca258636.53 HP
    Whale1586365.27 HP

    This shows when people joined Hive. The last few months are shown separately to make any changes obvious.


    1 month1
    2 months2
    3 months0

    Poland Witnesses

    Please support your local witnesses: @gtg

    The man behind: @tenkminnows: Helping good Hivers level up

    @proofofbrian: A bot that checks for tag typos

    #BritList: A monthly list of Hivers in the UK

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