in voilk •  7 days ago

    It’s only the 3rd day into the new year and my life is beginning to take a turn that I’m not even sure if it’s for the best but somehow, I’m taking that turn and I realize again, just how hard it is to accept change. As the new year keeps unfolding all the interesting packages it has in store for each and every one of us, the least we can do is only prepare for the worst and pray for the best. When I started this year, I was so happy about one thing and that was because of the people I have in my life but somehow, I made a mistake and things took a very amazing turn from there.

    There were so many things I did the previous year that I’m hoping I avoid doing this year and one of them is, trying to do things all on my own. Sometimes, I think that it is by my own power that I do most of the things I do and I forget to give thanks to those who have helped me in one way or another. It is so easy for us to achieve something and forget the whole struggle, the whole process of how much others helped us to achieving the things we were able to achieve. This new year, I want to be more dependent on God’s guidance and not mine. I know sometimes it is hard to depend on him especially when things keep going wrong but I hope I keep depending on him.

    Letting people talk about me the way they want was something I condoned in the past year but I don’t think that is something I want to accept this year. Not that I want to shun you for thinking about me the way you think about me, nah, I have a different approach in mind. The truth is, people always see you mainly from the way you act and sometimes, that might be deceptive. Someone once told me that I’m being deceptive when I give people a fake smile or say something I don’t mean. The person was very right about that but then, I failed to realize that my reason for doing that was to teach me how to do better. I say things I don’t mean but once I say them, I learn to mean them because I know it is the right thing for me to do.

    Telling someone thank you for correcting me about something is one of the things that doesn’t come easily but then, it is good to be appreciative of someone who wants the best for us and most times, it is really hard to be grateful at that point when we get corrected but then, it’s the best thing to do. At that point, it will feel so unreal to whoever is giving that correction to you but then, that doesn’t completely make it false. Doing what is right only when it’s convenient, for me, that is even more deceptive because you will never grow that way.

    One more thing I did the previous year that I wouldn’t want to do this year is judging others. Last year, I had some misunderstandings with a friend and he pointed out to me the fact that I need to be more cautious of how I perceive people because it is very easy to judge someone without knowing the full detail of things. At that point, I tried to be defensive that I don’t judge people but after thinking it through, I realized I judged people a lot. This year, I’m going to put in more cautious effort to getting the details of things before making a judgement on it.

    This year, the major change I want to enact for myself this year is to do to others what I want them to do to me. My focus won’t be on what someone should do for me, but what I should do for them. If they complain about my personality, I will try as much as I can to look inwards first and fix what needs fixing before trying to explain myself. And by explaining myself, I don’t plan using the words of mouth but action. They will be the one to tell me again that I’m doing better and not me telling them that I’m better.

    Just one change but I believe it will change a lot of things about me for the better. I’m going to learn how to do something to someone because I know that if someone else was to do that thing to me I wouldn’t mind. And if peradventure I do something that I don’t want someone else to do to me, I will willingly accept whatever comes with it as a punishment for doing to someone what I won’t want them to do to me.

    Thank you for reading through. ❤️

    Images used are mine

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