What is the Share of the Hive Power That is Actively Voting/Curating? | June 2024

in voilk •  21 days ago

    If we take a look at the amount of Hive powered up on hiveblocks.com, we will see that it is around 175M HP at the moment. The thing is not all of the Hive Power is being used from everyone to curate posts. Some accounts have never curated posts. This might sound strange for the avid users around, but this is the case.

    Back in 2023 the @mottler account that was holding 2.5M HP and was idle for years did a power down. This account was never active from the beginning of the chain back in 2016.
    With the biggest idle HP holder gone, has things changed significantly in terms of the share of active HP?

    Let’s take a look what share of Hive Power is being actively used for curation.


    We will be looking at:

    • Number of votes per day
    • Number of accounts voting per day
    • HP voting per day
    • Active rshares per day
    • Share of HP voting
    • Top accounts that don’t curate
      The period that we will be looking at is from April 2020 till now.

    Number of Votes per Day

    First let’s take a look how many votes per day are made. Here is the chart.


    This chart shows quite a steady number of votes per day, with a slight increase in 2020. The number of votes per day has been hovering around the 300k with small oscillations in the period.
    The sharp drop in October 2022 is due to the hardfork that happened at that time.

    Number of Accounts Voting per Day

    What about the number of accounts curating/voting daily? Here is the chart.


    We can see that there was some more volatility at the beginning in 2020, when there was around 10k accounts voting daily, increased to 14k in 2022, and a drop in 2023 to 12k where it has stayed for a long period of time now.

    Active Hive Power per Day

    Now for the interesting part. What is the active HP voting daily?


    We can notice the uptrend here as well. Up from a 90M in 2020 to 141M HP voting daily now.

    Share of HP voting

    The overall Hive Power has increased in the period, so if we plot the active HP against the cumulative HP in the period, we get this.


    The bottom is the active HP.

    The cumulative HP has increased from 140M to 175M now, while the active HP from 90M to 141M. Meaning the active HP has not followed the increase in the overall HP.
    The HP balance of the accounts that have not voted in 2024 is around 36M Hive Power.

    When we plot the share of active HP in percent % we have this:


    This chart shows an increase in the active HP back in 2021, and a slow drop in 2022, and then a very stable 2023 and 2024 with around 80% if the HP being active, or 20% dormant HP.

    Disclaimer: The way this data is calculated is taking into account the active accounts that are voting per day and assigning their HP balance at the moment. While this is accurate enough, it is not 100% accurate since the HP balance for the accounts can be different in the past from what is now, but there is no easy way to get the data for HP balance for all the accounts for each day. Because of this the data above is not 100% accurate.

    I wanted to present the data in easy to understand for most of the Hivers and that is Hive Power. Another useful metric and probably more accurate when it comes to active Hive Power is the rshares.

    Active RShares per Day

    RShares, or reward shares, represent the share that is assigned to each account when curating, based on which the Hive distribution happens for authors and curators. Here is the chart for the active rshares per day.


    This chart is slightly different from the HP chart and as mentioned is most likely more accurate, but the number doesn’t mean much for the average user 😊. It shows an overall increase in the active rshares, from 30P (peta) back in 2020 to around 45P where it is now.

    The number on the y-axis is on the power of 16.

    Top Accounts that Don’t Curate in 2024

    What are the accounts that are not voting/curating. Here are the top ones.


    The top idle accounts holds more than 500k HP. @recursive is on the top with just above 530k, followed by the @safari and @bitcube accounts, also close to 500k HP.

    Overall we can see a steady trend in the share of active HP in 2024. Around 80% active and 20% idle. This share has been very steady with no significant changes. The top accounts that are not voting have around 500k HP.

    All the best

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