How to be an adult 101

in voilk •  3 months ago

    As a child, I always imagined what my life would look like as an adult and I spent a lot of time daydreaming about the type of lifestyle I would be living in the future. Things like working in a corporate office (the type of job didn't matter), driving flashy cars, wearing expensive clothes and eating the finest foods. All these of course were influenced by the type of movies I watched back then; they always made adulthood look so easy. I was so eager to become an adult and be fully independent, but now I just realized it isn't as easy as I thought it would be.

    This situation is like seeing a new type of fruit for the first time and everyone seems to be enjoying it. You fight so much to get one of the fruit and after taking a bite, you realize it's garbage but everyone just pretends it's fine, and apparently, you now have to live all your life eating that fruit. That's basically adulthood; I've bought the fruit I carved for so long and I'm now stuck with it for life. It's not like I can suddenly go back to being a kid, just living life with no worries, many of us would have taken that option if it was available.

    But, what is it that makes adulthood so difficult for me? Well, it's majorly one thing; money. As kids, we underestimated the role money played in the world and that's because we never had to work for our needs to be met. Our parents buy us new clothes, feed us and shelter us. I guess one of the misconceptions I had back then was that money was easy to get. I mean, I just look at my dad leaving home every money and coming back later at night with money, of course it looks easy. But in reality, making money is actually hard, at least harder than I thought it was.

    Every step of making money is actually difficult. From getting the right education/knowledge to looking for a job/setting up a business and lastly to actually doing that job/managing the business, it's a stressful process. Most times, you might even need to have education/knowledge on multiple things and set up multiple streams of income just to stay financially afloat and not drown in debts, this is like increasing that base difficulty to a higher level. Or you even set up a business that ends up failing for one reason or the other, then you have to start from scratch or look at other alternatives, it's just chaotic out there.

    So, for me, the financial aspect is the most difficult part of adulthood. It will be a lot easier if I can wish for a million dollars and get it instantly, that will give me a headstart and make things a lot easier. I won't have to bother searching for a job or looking for capital to set up a business, I can just invest in real estate, stocks and cryptocurrency and set up multiple businesses. But since getting a million dollars is unlikely right now, I just have to keep levelling up my skills every day and try to get my dream job later on.

    Thanks for reading

    Connect with me on:
    Twitter: @kushyzeena
    Readcash: @kushyzee

    Lead image: Image by peoplecreations on Freepik
    Edited with Canva
    First image: Image by freepik
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