uncharted 4 / parte Final

in voilk •  3 months ago

    In this last video of this great game we finish the main story, when trying to get back to the plane, Sam almost fell into the void and had to turn back and because he was left without a way, although it was what he really wanted, the others worry and bother him. same time with Sam, and they decide to try to follow him, but only Nate can return because he needed Elena's help and Sulli passes over a wall.

    En este ultimo video de este juegazo finalizamos la historia principal, al intentar volver al avión, Sam tiene casi cae al vacío y tuvo que devolverse y porque se quedo sin camino, aunque era lo que el quería realmente, los demas se preocupan y molestan al mismo tiempo con Sam, y deciden intentar seguirlo, pero solo Nate puede regresar porque necesitaba la ayuda de Elena y Sulli pasa pasar sobre una pared.

    After parting ways with them, we follow some of Sam's footprints again, and climb the mountain we've seen before, which looks like a dinosaur. As we enter the mountain we have to go through a path with a lot of jumps and quite fun, and after so much climbing, we see Avery's boat in the water :/ hahaha.

    Después de separarnos de ellos, seguimos algunas pisadas de Sam nuevamente, y escalo la montaña que hemos visto antes, que parece un dinosaurio. Al adéntranos en la montaña tenemos que pasar por un camino con mucho saltos y bastante divertido, y luego de tanto escalar, vemos el barco de Avery en el agua :/ jajaja.

    As we approach the ship we see Rafe and Nadine having an argument, because San stole a boat and went to loot Avery's ship, but Nobody did not agree to go for more gold, since the ship was full of traps, so They fight but her men betray her for money and decide to go for more gold and for Sam.

    Al acercarnos al barco vemos a Rafe y Nadine tener una discusión, porque san se robo una lancha y fue a saquear el barco de Avery, pero Nadie no estaba de acuerdo en ir por mas oro, ya que el barco estaba lleno de trampas, entonces pelean pero sus hombres la traicionan por dinero y deciden ir por mas oro y por Sam.

    Then Nate goes after them to save Sam, but there are many explosions on the ship, and there are some mercenaries killed by these traps. We finally find Rafe and Sam locked in a room on the ship full of burning treasure. Nadine takes advantage of a moment where Rafe was threatening Nate and tricks him into leaving the three of them locked up in this room, this is where we have the last confrontation with this crazy guy.

    Luego Nate va tras ellos para salvar a Sam, pero en el barco hay muchas explosiones, y hay algunos mercenarios muertos por estas trampas. Finalmente encontramos a Rafe y Sam encerrados en una habitación del barco llena de tesoros incendiándose. Nadine aprovecha un momento donde Rafe amenazaba a Nate y lo engaña para dejar encerrado a los 3 en esta habitación, acá es donde tenemos el ultimo enfrentamiento con este sujeto loco.

    After a difficult 15 minute confrontation due to my bad reflexes with this guy, I was finally able to overcome him, and since Sam was trapped, Nate decides to flood the ship by shooting with a cannon, and thus they both manage to swim out while everything was collapsing.

    Tras un difícil enfrentamiento de 15 minutos por mis malos reflejos con este tipo, finalmente pude superarlo, y como Sam estaba atrapa, Nate decide inundar el barco disparando con un cañón, y así logran salir nadando ambos mientras todo se derrumbaba.

    After so much fighting, they couldn't take the treasure, but somehow Sam managed to get something, and before leaving with Sulli, he helped Nate buy the company where he works. The one who gave him this surprise was his wife, and they decided to take Nate's life. adventurers again, but this time by the legal route.

    Luego de tanta lucha no pudieron llevarse el tesoro, pero de alguna forma Sam logró sacar algo, y antes de irse con Sulli ayudar a Nate a comprar la compañía donde trabaja, quien le da esta sorpresa es su esposa, y deciden tomar la vida de aventureros nuevamente, pero esta vez por el camino legal.

    Finally, they leave us with an epilogue, where we play a little with Elena and Nate's daughter, who knew nothing about her parents' adventurous life, and becomes curious to review her memories under lock and key, when her parents arrive. They decide that it is time for him to find out, and they begin to tell their adventures to their daughter.

    Para finalizar nos dejan con un epilogo, donde jugamos un poco con la hija de Elena y Nate, quien no sabia nada de la vida de aventureros de sus padres, y se pone de curiosa a revisar sus recuerdos bajo llave, en eso llegan sus padres que deciden que ya es momento de que se entere, y comienzan a contar sus aventuras a su hija.

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