Sorta Snow, Man Utd, NHL Stadium Series, Snow, Patsy's, Metallica, Fire, Grilling - Sunday

in voilk •  5 months ago

    It really was the last gasp of Winter yesterday. A bit after 7am the first of the flakes began to fall and it was super tiny little ones for the bulk of the morning. It wasn't all that cold but still below freezing.


    Man Utd played against Luton and managed 2 goals in the first 6 minutes but then tried hard to piss the game away later. They surprisingly won 2-1.


    The snow came through in waves all day long as the cells blew over us. A few times the cell DUMPED big fat flakes for a few minutes until it was past us.


    The NHL stadium series continued with the NY teams playing and it was a high scoring one. There was a fight in the first couple minutes, tons of scoring, and about 80,000 people in the stadium watching.


    And another snow cell dumping for a short while.


    @stryeyz and I went up the road to our most local bar Patsy's for a couple drinks. Super funny listening to the conversations of the people there while we played the ring/hook game.


    The resident cat Michael Meowers was a stray that got taken home by a cook at the nearby restaurant but brought him back cause he was an ass, but the cat is super happy in the bar. He just flaked out on the cushion next to me.


    I was browsing the music video section on a torrent site and found the Metallica 40th anniversary concerts that are over 2 hours each. We put on the first one which they played songs starting from their first album and working through each. Super crazy how much of their music has been a sound track to my life.


    I got the fire going in the pit around 5pm. It's so nice that it is staying light longer.


    I tossed a cardboard tube from a plastic roll in the fire and it turned into a smoke stack until it burned up.


    The smoke coming out the end would catch on fire but not close to the tube, out a few inches from it. It looked really wild with the smoke turned to flames.


    I grilled up t-bone steaks for dinner which came out delicious. We had salad and baked potatoes with.


    Got out to soak for a while then managed to be in bed about normal time.


    Today I have my chiro appointment then I go to the dentist to get my permanent crown put on my front tooth. The sheep will need a new bale rolled into their pen soon but I want them to finish the bale they are on fully before I do. The week looks to be nice in the mid 40s F and at or above freezing every night in a real portent of Spring. The Kraken will have a midday game against Detroit so will see if they can manage a win.

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