A Taste Of Fate.

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Nathan got into his office and dialled the kitchen line from the company's land phone. It rang continuously but no one picked it up, he tried again severally and decided to check what was happening.

    "Nkechi!" Nathan called as he opened the kitchen door. Nkechi, the kitchen girl wasn't there and it was very unusual because she resumed work before anyone.

    "Where is this girl?" Nathan muttered as he checked if she had prepared anything in the kitchen that morning but the toast and coffee machine looked unused.

    Nathan checked his wristwatch to be sure he didn't resume work at the wrong time and it was past 8 am. Still doubting, Nathan checked his smartphone and the time was the same.

    He went to the reception to check and they broke the news to him.

    "Nkechi isn't with us anymore," The receptionist said to Nathan.

    "What happened? Is she asking for a raise or something else?" Nathan stuttered.

    "No, she got admission into the university. She submitted her resignation letter yesterday and we are working on getting someone else already," The receptionist replied.

    "Oh, that's good news. I will definitely miss her toast bread," Nathan replied and was about to leave when the receptionist offered to help him make toast bread and coffee as usual but Nathan turned her down.

    "Nkechi does it best," Nathan muttered immediately as he turned away from the receptionist's desk.

    The day wasn't smooth for Nathan and he had to drive for about 45 minutes to get toast bread where he always ate breakfast before the company employed Nkechi.

    Weeks passed and a new lady was employed in the kitchen but Nathan never bothered to visit the kitchen since he had returned to the routine of getting breakfast on his way to work since Nkechi left.

    "It's been over three days since Helen took over the kitchen job and I doubt if you ever tasted her stuff. She's really good too," Brian said to Nathan while returning from the kitchen.

    "Don't mind me. I don't want anyone to break my heart like Nkechi did," Nathan replied jokingly.

    "If you don't want such heartbreak then you should get married," Brian replied.

    "Am on it," Nathan replied and winked at Brian.

    At lunch, Nathan decided to try Helen instead of getting lunch outside.

    "Good morning sir," Helen greeted and Nathan froze for a few seconds.

    "Good morning, Helen right?" Nathan asked.

    "Yes, sir. I am the new girl in the kitchen," She replied.

    "Have we met before?" Nathan asked as he thought about where he met Helen before because her face looked very familiar.

    "No, sir. I am not sure we have met before and this is my first seeing you in the company," Helen replied.

    "Yeah, you are right. Just help me make coffee with little or no sugar," Nathan replied.

    "Just coffee sir, would you try my toast bread recipe, sandwich or noodles? It's really good," Helen asked.

    "Maybe tomorrow, I had a lot to eat this morning. Coffee is okay," Nathan replied and went to join his colleagues in the cafeteria.

    The coffee was served and Nathan enjoyed it. Helen prepared it to his taste and he requested an extra cup before the lunch break was over.

    Nathan stopped to grab breakfast the next morning and to his surprise, the breakfast shop was closed. He tried reaching out to the owner of the place but every effort was futile and the shop owners around there couldn't be of help.

    Nathan left the shop and as he drove to work, he thought about what to eat.

    Upon arriving at work, Nathan went to the kitchen. He met Helen making a sandwich and the aroma filled the kitchen space.


    "That smells good," Nathan said to Helen who wasn't aware of his presence.

    "Good morning, sir. I can make some for you too," Helen replied.

    "Thanks but I prefer toast bread, I am so addicted to it. Please let it be nice," Nathan replied.

    "Okay sir, it will be ready in a few minutes. Where should I bring it," She asked.

    "Just call my office line, and I will pick it up. Thanks," Nathan replied.

    Helen called some minutes later and Nathan went to get his toast bread with coffee.

    He settled in the cafeteria and stared at the toast bread for a few seconds before taking a bite. A huge smile popped up on Nathan's face as he chewed the toasted bread and aside from the awesome taste, Helen's toast bread recipe reminded him of Madam Rita who happened to be Nathan's neighbour when he went for NYSC.

    Every morning, Madam Rita always made toast bread for her kids as breakfast and she would package some for Nathan as well when she knew that God hadn't paid them for months.

    "Hmmmm! This is real nice," Nathan muttered as he took the second bite.

    "You did a great job with that and I almost bite myself. I will be a regular here henceforth," Nathan complimented Helen's recipe when she asked if the toasted bread was good.

    "Thanks, sir. I am glad you love it," She replied.

    "Your toast bread reminded me of someone," Nathan paused and looked at Helen again.

    "This face," He stuttered and paused again.

    "It can't be, Madam Rita was older than this even when I knew her," Nathan thought.

    "Never mind," Nathan said to Helen and left the cafeteria after gulping down the last drop of coffee in his cup.

    He resumed every morning to Helen's toast bread and a few weeks later, Nathan started a conversation with Helen.

    "Did you learn this or come up with this recipe yourself," Nathan asked.

    "I learned from my mom, she made great toast bread and people love it. She is sick now and barely leaves her room," Helen replied.

    "Oh sorry about that," Nathan replied and Helen stretched her phone to show Nathan her mom's picture which she used as her screensaver.

    "She is a beautiful and strong woman. People say I look like her," She muttered.

    Nathan stared at the picture and muttered, "Madam Rita.".

    "You know my mom?" Helen asked sharply.

    "It can't be, it's been over a decade now since I saw her. She is a very kind woman," Nathan replied.

    "You must be her last daughter who was in primary school then and I doubt if she will still remember me," Nathan added while his eyes were still fixed on the phone.

    "Wow! What a small work we live in," Helen replied.

    "Yeah, it's a really small world. What happened to her," Nathan asked.

    "Dad died and mom went through a lot physically and emotionally after his death. She has been ill since then," Helen replied.

    "Have you sought any medical assistance for her?" Nathan asked.

    "We did for a while but stopped. I and my elder brothers had to drop out of school to work just to ensure that she doesn't lack anything," Helen replied.

    Nathan felt down and insisted on visiting Helen's hometown the next day since it was the weekend and she called to inform her mother but Madam Rita couldn't remember Nathan.

    They arrived there after an hour's drive and Nathan felt sad when he saw her. The beautiful strong Madam Rita had changed due to illness.

    Immediately she saw Nathan's face, she remembered him and Madam Rita was happy to see that he was doing great. They exchanged pleasantries and chatted for a while before Nathan decided to take her to the hospital.

    It was disclosed that she needed surgery and Nathan ensured that he paid for everything. He returned to his place and checked up on the family from time to time until the surgery was carried out the next day.

    Helen gave him the recovery update and he also visited them a few more times. Madam Rita couldn't thank Nathan enough for coming to her rescue and Nathan was happy to have repaid her kindness as well.

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