in voilk •  5 months ago

    This story is about my Kilay.
    Brown White Modern Make Up Magazine Cover_20240301_185449_0000.jpg

    Kilay- in English, EYEBROWS.
    Look at how thin it is!

    The Comment

    During my College days, I tried wearing eyebrow make-up since my eyebrows are naturally thin and they called me Monalisa. But because I don't know how to wear it, I just draw on my brows using an eyebrow pencil. No brush, just the pencil.


    Yes! This is me way back 2011-2012 i guess.

    It was in this one class where our teacher, ma'am Star, called out my seat mate and told her "you're not a real friend". So my seat mate, puzzled, asked her why and her answer made everyone laugh: "You didn't tell your seat mate (me) that her brows' drawing is too thick" (like drawn in one place many times that the brow liner is already shining). I felt embarassed that day.


    That scenario kept on repeating inside my head so what I did is I turned it into motivation. I went to computer shops just to watch YouTube tutorials on how to draw my brows. I downloaded them and tried them at home. I used many types of brow make-ups- from pencil to powder to gel. I practiced many times till I "mastered" it. Though I am not as good as the others but atleast, it doesn't shine anymore...


    Year 2014

    *Me and my thick-looking brow

    A slimmer eyebrow look


    There are already shops that offer semi-permanent tattoo brows. I'd like to try it but I couldn't find the courage (and money 🤣). I am scared. What if they make a mistake? What if the two brows differ? This is why I am contented (now) on just drawing my brows every morning. If I'm not satisfied, atleast I can just erase it and draw another one.

    I have also tried using many things for my brows like, pencil, Gel, powder, Tattoo liquid, I even tried charcoal!

    I just took this photo yesterday

    Don't mind my forehead. It really is wide. I always joke about it and telling others if they'd want to place their faces on it since it can still accommodate one 🤣

    But with all these, I am very thankful for that embarassing moment, for ma'am Star for letting me know how ugly my brows are.


    1. Don't let other people's comment bring you down, instead, use it as your stepping stone.

    2. Don't be afraid to learn new things. As long as you're not hurting anybody or yourself, go ahead. Try it. It the result isn't that good, then it's fine. learn from it. It it's result is great, then keep it and improve it.

    3. Keep your embarassing pics! At least you can see how you've improved your appearance. 🤣

    This ends my eyebrow journey! I hope you had fun reading my story ☺️. See you soon on my next one!

    -your @mama-ayn.

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