My Three Favourite posts challenge

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Out of the tens or hundreds of posts you've written on Hive, which are your favourite ones?
    Now is your chance to tell everyone


    Every now and then, I go through my old posts and have an enjoyable moment reading some of them. Some posts are special to me, because they bring back nice or sad memories, a memorable event, place or person. Others are special because I wrote them, not for others to read, but for myself. They're personal in a way, but published and hidden on the chain. And some, I had a lot of fun writing them. These posts aren't necessarily my highest payout ones or the ones with the most engagement. In fact, some of my favourite posts went under the radar, but that's fine. What's important is that I like them.

    I was wondering if other people on Hive feel the same, and that's when I thought I'd start this My Three Favourite posts challenge.

    The idea is very simple.

    • go through all your old posts
    • choose your three favourite
    • make a post telling people why they're your favourite

    This challenge isn't about reposting your old posts, please don't do that. Just include a link to them will be fine. The challenge is for you to talk about why they're your favourite posts. To allow your readers to find out about some of your best works, and your thoughts about them. Your reasons for choosing your three favourite posts can be anything, but they must be YOUR reasons.

    I know this challenge is a bit different from other contests or writing prompts and doesn't really fit into any community. That's why I created the Three Challenges Community to avoid you posting in a community and breaking their rules. I don't want your post to be muted!!

    There are a few more things you should be aware when taking part in the challenge:

    • post in the Three Challenges Community
    • low effort posts eg reposting the old post links and not talking about why they're your favourite will be muted
    • read the community rules before you post
    • engage and support with others in the community, if their favourite post inspires you, why not drop them a tip?
    • there is no prize for the challenge but as always, good original content may be picked up by curators for support
    • this is an ongoing challenge, take your time and find your three favourite posts
    • include your three favourite posts in one single challenge post
    • if you have more than three favourite posts, make two challenge posts if you want. If you have more than six favourite posts, pick six only. Don't spam.

    I hope you will take part in the challenge and look forward to reading about some of your favourite posts.

    Tip : Finding a particular post on Hive isn't the easiest particularly if you have many. This is my favourite site Just go to User Level, enter your username in User Drill Down then hit Users Post Lists and it will give you a list of all your posts. It works with Hive SQL which is currently down, but when that's avaliable, so will this site.

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