Beautiful Pixel Art in 8 and 16-bit, also amazing gameplay - Playing The Messenger

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Gracias por pasar version en español abajo

    The Messenger is once again in my plans for this week that begins and I wanted to take advantage of a little of the free time I had to delve into this platform, since the last time I played it some interesting things have been unlocked and the best of all is that this has done The game is much more Metroidvania than anything else, a lot of exploration in several worlds that are open to us and through which we can explore from beginning to end.

    The tools are the same, although with some important changes in the environment, we will now have the portals to go from the past to the future (8 to 16 bits) with their respective variations in the environment, they change in a subtle way but open new paths that do not We had seen it the first time we went through them, again an excellent level design makes this possible but above all it makes it possible for us not to get bored exploring.



    If we think that we are facing the same levels that we passed previously, we could not be more wrong, because also adding the new paths that these portals open we will also have unique events that are activated depending on what time we are in, previously along the way we had met several characters and bosses, because now they appear again with new missions that we can accept.

    The different worlds are connected both by the portals that we can access through the store and with the common area changes that we already saw earlier in the adventure, there are some ropes as well as cliffs that we can jump to reach new areas and go. Unlocking the locations in the central portal area, the map will also fill in with our passage through the different areas.



    If before it seemed to me that the difficulty was high, now we will have an even greater challenge with all this world that opens up to us, before there were some areas that I tried to avoid due to the complexity they had but now I am motivated to discover what there is of the other side of that big jump or after that wall of obstacles where normally there were only experience points behind, also the change of era helps a lot with this and makes you discover these little secrets.



    Once again in terms of graphics we have one of the most beautiful games I have ever seen in Pixel Art, not only because it explores both the 8-bit and 6-bit themes but I think it goes further with the landscapes and we can see that many of the landscapes are finely measured, but they even change when we go through some of the interdimensional portals that exist throughout the level, in terms of sprites and the models of the characters and enemies, perhaps more variety is needed but I think they are still solid .

    And the last thing I want to talk about here is the gameplay, which at the beginning I thought was going to be the least important thing throughout the game but it has shown me versatility to combine, as I said before, different ideas and be able to implement them in different ways, now I'm very attached to the swing suit that allows me to fly and descend slowly and works perfectly for some sections with thorns but also the Scorpion rope or even the shuriken fulfill a function and in this expanded game even more.



    I have been pleasantly surprised by this game, its story, its humor, its gameplay, its surprises even after I think the game is over, there is so much still to see and it puts me in a good mood knowing that I shouldn't buy a game that ends like that. Without further ado, it is always offering more to the player and that is something that is difficult to find in the highest caliber games today, and it is very cool to see it in the most independent games.




    The Messenger nuevamente esta en mis planes de esta semana que comienza y queria aprovechar un poco del tiempo libre que tenia para adentrarme en este plataformas, desde la ultima vez que lo jugue se desbloquearon algunas cosas interesantes y lo mejor de todo es que eso ha hecho del juego algo mucho mas Metroidvania que otra cosa, mucha exploracion en varios mundos que se nos abren y por los que podemos explorar de principio a fin.

    Las herramientas son las mismas, aunque con algunos cambios importantes en el entorno, tendremos ahora los portales para pasar del pasado al futuro (8 a 16 bits) con sus respectivas variaciones en el entorno, cambian de una forma sutil pero abre nuevos caminos que no habiamos visto la primera vez que pasamos por ellos, otra vez un excelente diseño de niveles hace esto posible pero sobretodo hace posible que no nos aburramos explorando.



    Si pensamos que estamos ante los mismos niveles que pasamos anteriormente no podriamos estar mas equivocados, porque tambien sumando los nuevos caminos que abren estos portales tendremos tambien eventos unicos que se activan dependiendo de en que epoca estamos, anteriormente por el camino habiamos conocido a varios personajes y jefes, pues ahora aparecen otra vez con nuevas misiones que podemos aceptar.

    Lo diferentes mundos se conectan tanto por los portales que podemos acceder a traves de la tienda como con los cambios de zona comunes que ya vimos anteriormente en la aventura, hay algunas cuerdas asi como acantilados a los que podemos saltar para llegar a nuevas zonas e ir desbloqueando las localizaciones en la zona de portales central, tambien el mapa se nos ira rellenando con nuestro paso en las diferentes zonas.



    Si antes me parecia que la dificultad estaba alta ahora si que tendremos un reto incluso mayor con todo este mundo que se nos abre, ya antes habian algunas zonas que intentaba evitar debido a la complejidad que tenian pero ahora me veo motivado a descubrir que hay del otro lado de aquel gran salto o despues de ese muro de obstaculos en donde normalmente solo habian puntos de experiencia detras, tambien el cambio de epoca ayuda bastante con esto y te hace descubrir estos pequeños secretos.



    Otra vez en materia de graficos tenemos uno de los juegos mas hermosos que haya visto en Pixel Art, no solo porque explora tanto la tematica del 8 bits como de los a6 bits sino que creo que va mas alla con los paisajes y podemos ver que muchos de los paisajes estan finamente medidos, mas aun cambian cuando pasamos por algunos de los portales interdimensionales que hay a lo largo del nivel, en tema de sprites y de los modelos de los personajes y enemigos quiza haga falta mas variedad pero creo que igualmente son solidos.

    Y lo ultimo que quiero hablar por aca es de la jugabilidad, que al comienzo pensaba que iba a ser lo de menos durante todo el juego pero me ha demostrado una versatilidad para combinar como dije antes distintas ideas y poder implementarlas de distintas formas, ahora ando muy pegado al swing suit que me permite volar y bajar lentamente y funciona perfecto para algunas secciones con espinas pero tambien la soga de Scorpion o incluso las shuriken cumplen una funcion y en este juego expandido mas aun.



    Me ha sorprendido gratamente este juego, su historia, su humor, su jugabilidad, sus sorpresas incluso despues de que pienso que el juego se termina, hay tanto aun por ver y me pone de buen humor saber que no compre un juego que se acaba asi sin mas, siempre esta ofreciendole mas al jugador y eso es algo que hoy en dia es dificil de encontrar en los juegos de mas alto calibre, y es muy genial verlos en los juegos mas independientes.


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