Raccomon drawing | Fanart

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Who here is curious about the new game spreading like a fire everywhere?
    I got to know about this game days ago and I began looking for this game and what astounded me is that this game is on the way. Like seriously, the popularity of the game before launch is amazing, and simply figure out how famous it will get after launch...

    Well in my journey of figuring out the theme and plot of the game, I sorted out that this game is adventurous but can be played by both experienced darlings and non-experienced sweethearts. This game is making me excited.

    I have seen lots of drawings and art that are related to MIU and I was just curious whether it was the only character of this game or not. After searching a little I got to know about Raccomon, isn't it cuter than MiU? Man, it's so cute...

    There were 4 options I had for drawing but I went for only Raccomon because it attracted me at first sight, what one can call love at first sight😂 Here are some other characters of the game:


    Don't they all look like a new advanced version of Angry Birds, named Angry Mammals? Hehehe just kidding I loved them all.

    So without dragging more, I'll show the outline of the Raccomon drawing. The outline was a little tricky I can say because it tricks me a lot when I was drawing it... But the results are quite satisfying. Here is the outline of Raccomon:

    I used a mechanical pencil of 0.7mm to make the outline of this character and later for colours, I used simple pencil colours.

    The colours of Raccomon were quite tricky to fill up but I tried my best to get close results to the one it was actually.

    After colouring half the character I realized that the pencil colours were messing up the look of the whole drawing but it was already too late and I was not able to change it, To fix up the colours I used ballpoint to redraw the outline of coloured Raccomon and thank God it was now better enough to present to others.

    Here are the final results of Raccomon:

    Thanks for scrolling till the end!

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