A Birthday Surprise (Not What I Expected)

in voilk •  last month

    It has been over two days since I last shared a post here. That is because I travelled home for my mom's birthday and apparently, I am still at my parents' place and haven't gone back to school (my place yet). One of the reasons I am writing this post is to share how things have gone since I arrived home.

    A photo taken 2 years ago

    First, I was not planning to write this post at this particular time because somehow I am feeling lazy, which is a customary way that I feel any time I am at home and also really want to sleep because I will be travelling this morning and will need all the energy to travel. I don't actually like sleeping in the vehicle while I am traveling, mostly because of security and also because I don't want to miss my stop, which can cause an extra expense to my travel. This has happened to me several times.

    Back to the reason for this post: How did my mother's birthday celebration go?

    Hmm... I actually really don't know what to say. It came as a surprise to me most of all and there was not really anything like a celebration per se. I woke up on her birthday by past 7, let us say, almost 7:30 to figure out that my mom had gone out to church. I did not say anything, as my expectation was that she would be back later in the day from the church activity she went to, as previously described in my post.

    It was later on during the day that I figured out that my mom was not planning on coming back home and would spend the entire day at church because she was planning an anniversary, a children's anniversary, as she was selected as the chairman for the planning event. This made her spend the whole day of her birthday in church trying to make arrangements for the anniversary.

    I was so pissed hearing this, because the main reason I came back home was to spend time with my mother on her birthday and now she was at church. Since she is the chairman, my suggestion was that she should list out the activities that are needed to be carried out and then delegate roles to people that will carry out those activities.

    This is exactly the duty of a leader, and she doesn't not need to monitor every activity that is being done there. She should give her members a benefit of a doubt and trust them to carry out these assignments.

    My mom did not buy the idea, and I know her mind would not be at rest if she was not there to monitor things. I don't think she is the type of person who would sleep well if she didn't have close supervision on the things she was being asked to work on. She is the type of person who loves things to be done the way she wants them done—not subpar but up to standard.

    I could understand her own point of view and tried not to be angry about the situation, as I was really pissed to the extent that I was feeling like going back to school that same day of my mum's birthday but I had to calm myself down.

    ...The reason why I am still at home...

    Right now I am still at home and that is because the day I was planning to go back to school, which was last Sunday, I received very bad news which dropped the whole energy I had to go back to school. I didn't mind stabbing classes regardless after hearing the news. The news I got was that the pumping machine had a fault again. Seeing that message made me just weak and I changed my decision to stay one more day before heading to my place. This is the main reason why I am still here at home.

    By day break, I will pack all my belongings and start moving down to school to face the situation at my place in school. One thing I am sure of is that, no matter what, I will survive.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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