Tales of the weekend

in voilk •  last month

    Weekends are cool
    Weekends are fun

    It would be great if they would last longer 😊

    The important thing is to make the best out of your every moment. Rest, enjoy, learn, experience

    Today I will take you to a place where I recharge my batteries


    When I need to see more than just the ocean, I go to a beach nearby that is located in front of a hotel


    Even during high season, at sunset most of the hotel guests have left their spots and have gone to their rooms or to the restaurant for dinner


    This leaves sometimes a beautiful mess afterwards. The sunbeds are not symmetrical

    But that’s ok


    The poofs are empty


    And so are the chairs and cabanas!

    So this leaves me ample time to sit, to enjoy and take as many photographs as I want!


    I only stayed for 15 minutes this time but I will try to stay more next time


    I hope I can persuade someone to join me and walk together here!

    I hope you enjoyed our little trip


    I wish you an amazing weekend!

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