Rage and Phase Save the Day on Ferocity Ruleset | Splinterlands Battlemage Secret Challenge

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Salinan dari Weekly Battle Challenge (13).jpg

    Hello everyone, welcome back to Ramadhanight's Hive Blog on Splinterlands Weekly Battle Mage Secrets Challenge's Session. For this week Battle Challenge, there is ferocity ruleset, which gave all monster the fury effect and cause double damage to taunt monster, this mean there will unlikely any taunt monster co, let's see how my battle goes !


    Battle of The Week

    Here is my formation for the battle :


    Rules set:


    Five Alive : Only 5 monster are able to enter the battlefield
    Ferocity : All monster have the fury ability
    24 mana cap: Medium low mana cap, need to carefully thinking for lane up
    Splinter available : Only water, light, and dragon splinter are available

    My Lineup's Explanation :

    Summonersimage.pngPhase buffDragon summoner for summoning dragon monster. Only giving phase, but can be usefull against mage if you have high speed monster or some speed buff.
    Tankerimage.pngThorn, Rage, True AimSolid tanker with high health, armor, and damage. Having the thorn to go against melee monster, and having the rage to give him more speed and damage. With phase, this mean a higher chance for evade the magic. If enemies having flying and high speed, still okay because he had true aim ability.
    2nd Monsterimage.pngReflect shield, Divine armor, flyingPut him on 2nd as the target if enemies having sniper, and could be a second tanker as well with decent health and speed plus anti magic with the reflect shield.
    3rd Monsterimage.pngSneak, PoisonHitter to aim the enemies support or damager with the sneak and poison ability. Put him on 3rd because I prepared for range monster on the 4th and 5th position so they all could still attack together.
    4th Monsterimage.pngHeal, DispelSupport the tank with heal ability while giving solid 3 range damage, and have the dispel to remove enemies buff (includes any bloodlust or martyr effect).
    5th Monsterimage.pngBackfire, SwiftnessComplementary monster for the summoner, by giving speed buff for all friends. He also have 2 range damage, and high speed plus the backfire ability to strike back missed enemies that try to sneaking.


    Does My Strategy is Worked ? :

    If you want to watch the battle, please click the link of battle replay https://splinterlands.com/?p=battle&id=sl_7f6682dac3a3bd3b0e7c1b9a4499a98d

    The battle scene are also explained below:

    At the end of first round, my team are still complete, but having hurted tank due to magic spam by enemies. On the other hand, enemies having the martyr twice and got their tank high damage, speed, and health. 5 vs 4 situation at the end of 1st round.

    At 2nd round, i'm lucky that my tank evading the massive damage from the enemies tanked that not debuffed yet. 2nd round ended up with enemies losing their backline monster and left with just 3 monster left, while my team still strong with 5 alive.

    At the end of 4th round, my enemies losing their monster again, and now just left with 2 monster, while my team, again, having comlete squad.

    Finally, all enemies are fall down at the 5th league, while my team stay with 5 alive. That pelacor conjurer didn't even have a contribution today 😅


    Discuss About Ferocity :

    What Should We Get :
    Since the taunt will unlikely to come, we could effectively using the assasin monster such as sneak, opportunity, or the sniper. And because enemies might think so, try anticipate it as well by putting decoy or counter for the assasin.

    What Should We Avoid: Monster with taunt should be avoided because they will receive double damage, except you sure they will evade many attacks, which will surprise your enemy as well.

    What would i do next ?
    I will try with more assasin at the next battle on this ruleset



    Ferocity will cause all monster giving double damage to monster with taunt. Since the taunt will unlikely to come, we could effectively using the assasin monster such as sneak, opportunity, or the sniper. And because enemies might think so, try anticipate it as well by putting decoy or counter for the assasin. Don't forget to take a look at the other ruleset when picking up the lane up 😉


    Final Words

    Thank you for kindly read my post, i hope you enjoyed this post and could give another view about this ruleset by put it on comment section.
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