Let's Earn Cryptocurrency without Investment with Hive

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Hi there good people. Hope everyone is doing well. Thanks #OCD team for organizing such an awesome contest and my respect for #Hive SEO creating such a cool group. My relation to crypto is more than 3 and half years. I spend a lot of time learning about crypto, reading different stuffs to enrich my knowledge to write something and earn crypto or to be a part of a family where I feel I belong to. So, I am really happy today to write about this topics earning crypto without investment.

    What is investment?

    Well, with the word investment what we usually understand is investing money or currency. I don't really agree with this idea though. Firstly to me time is the currency as i spend time to build a skill and that skill makes me money. But anyway that is a long way to make money. For example we study 16 years to get a degree which gives us a job and that 16 years is an investment for getting that job that gives you money to eat and provide for the family. But lets think investment in the local language we understand called money. Let's say you are from a poor family or the part of the world where life is hard and there is no extra money for you to save and invest and you badly need to make some money more to provide for your family. How can you do it ? So, lets jump into that in the next paragraph.


    Earning crypto

    I was a student back then before 3 years and a friend of mine came to me and said man you can earn a lot of money just by writing about things. That was the time when bitcoin went over 15000 USD. I didnt know what to write how to write, how to make your blog post beautiful and much more attractive. But, I needed the money to live a bit comfortable life. So, I gave it a try. First post nothing, second post nothing.

    It was a good post but not attractive enough. So, then I start looking at the post used to get money. They wrote with so ease and so beautifully. I want to write like them. For that reason, I read their posts, what techniques they are using and everything. Trust me i didn't know a thing about html and CSS. I have learnt it just to make my post look beautiful and worthy of rewards in crypto. Then I made my first 20$ in a post. I went nuts and then i never stopped. I started reading books about biology, physics and learn the thing in deeper way. The more deep i went the more my reward went up as my writing style changed. I saw that people get more crypto writing and posting photography post. You can see in the photo below that i am writing about different topics and all these skill i have learnt to earn crypto without an investment

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    I had no idea about photography but I bought a camera to earn crypto at that time steem and became better and better. Learnt how to cook and then when i see so many people write about it, i wanted to up my game and start learning about decoration. So, all these things i learnt to make extra money which is helping me in my personal life financially and also skillfully. All i have done without investing a dime.

    Why hive


    I have been in steemit. The journey was good in the beginning, then i start seeing all these vote buying selling thing and trending was messed up because of these thing you could find rare post there in trending to read which you like but in Hive the most beautiful thing is its community based. You like something? There is a community for that you can write and read your post there. No more buying and selling here. So, everyone is getting crypto according to their writing skill and how important the post is. I live in a foreign land and I can send my sisters pocket money through Hive and that helps them a lot.
    They get the money immediately and i love to see them happy. So, i also invested some money i earned from hive in some small business. So, Hive gave my bread and butter and to so many people of the poor part of the world like me. They learnt so many stuffs, some started to cultivate vegetables or planting or photography, video editing or other stuff just to make crypto without investment and they became financially stable and built a skill that will feed them in life. That's it for today enjoy your time here.

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