Hello hive family, i want to welcome each one of you to this new week and hive reach-out weekly prompt week 31,titled:how do you manage your anger. This a very interesting topic,it's have to do with a life experience and every human on earth can be angry in one way or the other.
Anger:is a human emotion that is triggered by irritability, hostility or by feeling of frustration.Every human being on earth can be triggered by something that he or she dislike or finds it irritating.Anger is an emotion that is either been triggered by something or someone.
Anger management:is a step by step process of learning how to recognize,express and manage anger in a constructive or healthy way.how we manage our anger matters alot,Anger have done more harm than good to people that are unable to recognize or manage their anger.it is good to be angry but it should be in a healthy way and not in way that will be harmful to our emotional or mental health.
In the past years I was able to recognize some tips or ways in which I can manage my anger when ever am angry and some of this tips have helped me over the years to manage my anger, you might also find it helpful.
-silence:is a very powerful tool that help alot of people when the find themselves in a very hard situation and I find it very helpful too because silence have helped me to manage my anger,when ever am angry I keep quite at that particular time.silence has helped me to mediate and understand why am angry towards some certain action and after I meditate,I focus on the reason why I was angry and find the positive part of the situation.the bible says in proverbs 24:6 that silence is the best answer given to a fool.so at time when am angry this quote do come to me and make me to just keep a total silence on everything,I don't exchange words because I believe if I do am also a fool,so the best way for me to manage my anger is to just keep quite over everything.
Listening to music:it is said that music is a universal language that sparks up memories and evokes feelings bring people together,music have brought Alot of people together and it help alot of people to find their way in the hard storms and am one of those people who find joy in music,when ever am angry I play my favorite music to be happy and music helps to remember wonderful memories and makes me to focus on the positivity of the problem and music makes me to focus and it makes me to relax my mind.
Anger have made alot of people to do thing the intended not to do and the end regretting it.
so my fellow hive family learn to recognize ways you can Manage your anger so that you will be able to have self control and to be able to maintain your dignity and respect from people who triggered or made you angry.
Please if you find this content helpful or valuable,I will be happy if you share your view and comment below.thank you for reading to my post,I still remain @thomasmosesoche.thank you!