There are several types of emotions, but to simplify them we are going to specify them between the positive and the negative ones. Among the latter, the negative ones, there is an emotion of this branch that I would like to suppress and it is anxiety and I would love to disappear completely; in fact it is a constant challenge to keep it at bay today, because there are some days more than others depending on the situation I am living, which wants to become the protagonist of my existence, more, however, I have not let it prosper fortunately, but it has been a constant struggle.
Anxiety is an emotion that comes to turn all other emotions upside down, taking us to the negative side, because when we feel anxiety our nerves are upset, we can acquire habits that are harmful to our physical and emotional health, such as smoking, drinking alcohol, eating too much or, on the contrary, not eating and if we do it is at the wrong time or, on the contrary, we justify eating sweet or salty snacks because we have anxiety ... On the other hand, anxiety makes you overthink, this means that you think about the same subject or situation in your mind in different ways without reaching a definitive solution, even leading to insomnia.
That is why I would like to eliminate it from my personal panorama. By imagining my life without it, I would have my other emotions more in control, therefore, it would greatly improve my life. All the positive emotions would be more present without anything to disturb them. Joy, love, happiness, happiness, good mood, would stay for more in my days... no intrusive thoughts that would throw anxiety, it would be fantastic! Faith and hope would remain undisturbed, for there would be no one to shake them a little... because anxiety often leads to doubts and fear.
For this and more, anxiety is an emotion, which is a challenge that some of us have more than others to control. But over time, I have obtained several tools that have helped me to keep it in its limits, such as feeding more positive emotions by putting into practice activities that help me to enter into much more emotional, physical well-being, such as writing, creating stories where my mind is occupied in positive activating my creativity, also sharing thoughts and ideas. Another thing that helps me a lot is connecting with nature, giving love and affection to my pets. That centers me and gives me peace of mind, also loving and sharing with my family; listening to music and the main thing, loving and cultivating my faith for my creator, that is my winning formula against anxiety.

This is my participation in this weekend in Weekend-Engagement topics: WEEK 248, greetings!!!

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