After experiencing intense heat for weeks, finally, the rain has come. It's just a light rain but really nonstop last night, which is why today is really cold. But I'm not complaining, I'm actually thankful. On the other hand, the rain pours in intervals today, it's not continuously, for which I'm thankful, because this way, experiencing a flood is very low. This is the case in our town, I am not sure though in other areas. But I hope everyone is okay too. How's the weather in your place?

There's just a small change in the water in the small stream beside our house, but it's not that alarming. As of typing this, the rain stopped again. The plants, the trees, and the flowers in our surroundings are wet again. They enjoyed the rain last night, that's for sure. I am really thankful that I already wash some of my dirty clothes. So, even if it rains for days, I still have some clean clothes that I can wear. The question is, how long this gloomy weather will last.

But on this kind of weather, you can expect this creature here to be on the way, crawling slowly, but they can crawl faster too if they choose to. Sometimes I feel bad for them because I don't look down when I walk, so I'll just notice sometimes that I already step into them, with a bursting effect. They are just everywhere! Today I saw four in our yard, two in our papaya tree, and another two in a separate place walking on the dirty ground. They too are enjoying the rain, I think.

Let me also share Maria's beauty in here, she's nearby while I'm taking a photo of the crawling yellow-spotted millipede.
Anyways, today is December 1, whoa, few more weeks and we'll be celebrating Christmas. Did y'all ready your Christmas outfit? How about the budget for gift giving? Hehe. I'm still saving, so I need to grind more to save more. ┏(^0^)┛
Talking about savings, I already achieved my 5000 HP goals, which I thought I'd achieve next year. But lucky for me, with my effort and my nonstop grind, here it is, finally ! - it's 5000 Hive Power.
Another is this one, achieving 73 reputations after 3 years. Some can easily achieve this, but it took me months, from 72 to 73.
And I now have 500 friends or followers -yayyy to this! Me spreading darkness everywhere finally paid off! Lol.
These are the three major achievements I achieved this year. I am beyond happy! I am grateful to everyone who has helped me make this happen.
Cheers to our achievement this year!
And cheers to our new goals!
Let's get this, everyone! \(^o^)/