in voilk •  2 months ago

    It's an awesome privilege to start this week with another great topic. As I always say, it's been an amazing moment all the time on this platform. How was your weekend? I hope you gladly enjoyed it as I did here. Well my weekend wasn't chocked like the previous ones. I had to pay visit to my aunt that lost her husband in the southern part of the nation. She was so excited seeing me and the rest members of the family. What a time. She offered us hot egusi soup and a swallow...shiiii close your mouth and don't salivate oooo. God helped me I finished it successfully.

    When I stumbled on the topic for this edition, there was not much agitation unlike others where I normally take out time and energy to brainstorm, make some researches before I finally get to the climax. This topic is timely and plays a vital role in my life and I'm quite sure in the lives of many others. Water isn't a new word neither is it a new thing but something that is used always either directly or indirectly. The significance of water can't be overemphasized at all. From the elementary science, I have been taught that water is a universal solvent that has varied used in so many areas. The human body constitutes of great amount of water so also the earth. We are under large bodies of water.

    I decided to titled my post as water is everything because of the importance I placed on water. The most important thing to be taken is water. In my region presently, the weather has metamorphosed to something else now. I hardly sleep with clothes on my body because of the heat and rate of dehydration. My kids keeps complaining all the time about the weather condition. You can't stay now without taking water periodically if not you might just gasp up. I could remember when I went to deliver a talk elsewhere after few hours, I almost lost control of myself thank God there was a shop close which I dashed in and got some drinks to help myself. If you're not conscious of your body in this season, you might loss a lot of things.

    How clean is my water?

    Well I can't afford to drink bad water. From my early development of life, I never liked to associate with any dirty at all. It was so critical such that even if someone drank and left the cup, it becomes very difficult for me drink directly from it talk more of water???? I can't drink bad water because it could cause an infection or a dangerous diseases that can affect life. Microbes like bacteria and other fungi might invade the body system and break it down. Taking clean water is very important and keeps one away from any disease infiltration.

    what do I do to water I consume?

    I normally take certain precautions especially when it has to do with water I drink.

    Some few tips to live a healthy water lifestyle.

    • After every meal, ensure that you take water first before any other form of liquid. This would greatly help during digestion.
    • Always bath with good water. If you don't, you could have skin rashes.
    • You can locally purify your water by boiling it or use a sieve to filter it.

    Some benefits of drinking water.

    • It improves the way brain functions.
    • Drinking good water will help to control weight loss.
    • Take water to avoid dehydration.
    • The body temperature can be regulated when cleaned water is taken.
    • Muscles growth can be improved when good water is drank.

    Please always take some volumes of water everyday.

    Thanks for visiting and reading through my post. Your comments are appreciated.

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