PhotoFeed Contest - Macro Photography - I am harmless

in voilk •  3 months ago

    This post will be my entry for @photofeed macro photography contest If you wish to join the contest please kindly read and follow the rules and guidelines here for Contest Round 73

    I think this is almost the first time I have managed to take sharp photos of this dangerous-looking flying insect, which is actually pretty harmless. If you look at its color and shape, you might think that this beautiful creature is equipped with a venomous sting like a bee does since the look resembles the bee. But the look can be deceiving, isn't it?

    This is actually a hoverfly that was resting and was not hovering the day I found it during my photo walk around my house and the neighborhood. But I guess it was also the fact that it was a little bit cloudy and this little insect might sense that rain might come so it decided to take some rest.

    It did fly a little bit during the photo shoot as you can see below I took it on different leaves in the same weed. But it kept coming back, not only my last shots when I accidentally bumped the weed a little bit too hard that it decided to fly away.

    I tried to make the color pops up, and I might overdone it a little bit, but I want to try another post-process approach, so I hope you will still like it. : )




    Photo StyleMacro PhotographyAccesory50 mm Canon lens + Adapter + Extentision Tube
    LocationBali, IndonesiaLightingExternal Flash
    GearOlympus Omd Em5 Mark iiDiffuserCekrek Diffuser

    I am a Balinese man, a father of a toddler son, working in the hospitality industry, who has recently found a passion for macro photography. I want to share the photos that I've taken here on Hive. I appreciate any comments or feedback you leave on my posts and kindly invite you to be part of my journey in this vast Hive Ocean. Thank you very much
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