in voilk •  3 months ago

    What a ROBOT & AI can do perfectly well, humans can do much more better to an extent. It all depends on the areas of their respective applications and uses, if you know you know 🙂…

    Phew 😂, this is not a sigh of depression but rather a deep sigh of relief and gratitude as we gradually embrace a new month(my birth month) which is just right around the corner 😇…

    It’s been a long battle of comparisons and differences between robots, AI’s and human capabilities since they have been introduced to the world of men. Fear and uncertainty has taken over the hearts of so many people out there just by the mere thought of AI’s and robots taking over their jobs at their respective organizations, just as how many are scared and terrified of this fact, we have some people out there who strongly believe AI’s and robots can never outdo them in their respective careers and field of operations, provided they are invented and created by MEN…

    I am amongst those who strongly believe AI’s and robots can never outdo we humans in diverse ways. No matter how near to perfect they are built and created, they can never outdo we humans because of some features like emotions and feelings which we humans possess. Take it from me guys, these two main features is what makes us greater than AI’s and robots in so many ways…

    They might be active, accurate and advanced, but one thing I know is that they can never outdo the knowledge of we that created them. They are our creations and we alone know how to make them disappear without any traces and that is one of the greatest advantages humans have over AI’s and robots…

    These things are built to be perfect and we humans are built in a way whereby we can’t do without mistakes, no matter how perfect and accurate robots and AI’s are made, they can never be 100 percent accurate and perfect, they will surely lack in some ways…

    In summary, instead of finding a way for AI’s and robots to take over the human race and operations, why can’t we coexist and cohabitate with each other, this way there will greater outcome, unimaginable improvement and growth in the field where the three dwell, same way humans have their own importance, robots and AI’s also have their own value in the world of men…

    Well, that was a little introduction to what I have for you all today, so without wasting too much time i will be diving right into the point of this whole discussion. Join me on this interesting topic in the following paragraphs;…


    First thing first, do i have any other job asides hive?, the answer is YES & NO. Asides hive i am a part-time frame maker/surprise organizer/shoe maker, the fact is that these jobs aren’t my full time jobs, they are like my side hustles and i earn quite a bit from them, which is why i say YES…

    I say NO because i am a full-time writer on hive and i consider it my main job, but that’s that about that…

    My current job asides blogging is making frames, imprints on objects, organizing surprises and surprises packages accompanied with part-time shoe making. This type of job is a job Ai’s and robots can never replace, i agree it can do some little things in making it successful, in terms of ideas and brain work, but organizing the event and scene to look perfect and to suite the taste of my customers is something only i can accomplish, ai’s and robots can not outdo me in that area…

    If by chance these machines takes my job away from me, there’s nothing I would do of course, it will be painful but then that is not the end of the world, if PLAN A fails, move to PLAN B, and both still fail, move to Plan C and D, which means i will find a job or hand work ai’s and robots can never replace…

    There is no late comer in being successful in life, i will keep getting back up each time, that is why i am a fighter…

    I believe if eventually these machines take over my job in the world of men, there will still be some other jobs out there left for me to do. This doesn’t mean the world has ended for me, it means I have to tighten my belts, and in every problem there is always a solution or loophole lying around somewhere, all you need to do is to be calm and seize every opportunity to find the solution and loophole, thereby making it your breaking point…

    In summary, I believe we three can work hand in hand with each other to make the world a better place for each and everyone of us, rather than making one take over the other, why don’t we coexist and cohabitate peacefully to enjoy its maximum benefits…

    In conclusion, i strongly believe ai’s and robots can never replace we humans in the world, we will always be a step ahead of them since we created and built them with this same brain. It won’t be nice to extinct our own inventions when it’s quite useful for us, but when it becomes a threat to us, it’s best we get rid of them. I’d suggest it is best we learn to coexist and cohabitate together peacefully for the purpose of the human race and future…

    NB; all images were designed by me on canva…

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