My tortoise has grown a lot

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Hi hi.. everyone. I have two tortoises and they have grown a lot. The last time I updated about my tortoises was quite months ago. They have grown quite a lot. At the moment, my Sulcata is currently close to three years of age. Healthy and big.

    Meet my Sulcata

    Usually, during the day, he is quite active. His routine is that around 6 pm, I bring him into his enclosure indoors and let him sleep. During the day, he wakes up and goes around roaming around.

    He eats a lot nowadays. So much food is needed to feed him.

    This tortoise doesn't walk slowly. He usually walks fast. One of the best things about having a tortoise as a pet other than cats and fish is that they are easy to take care of once you already understand their basic need. Basically, he doesn't drink a lot of water.

    He poops a lot.

    He used to fit in my palms. Now, I need two hands to carry him. He's approximately ten kilograms.

    The front view of my Sulcata. This is the third largest tortoise in the world.

    My Sulcata doesn't destroy things which is a benefit. He's more calm. Usually, I've seen videos of other Sulcatas breaking stuff.

    My dad loves to care for him.

    Sulcata knows how to listen to human languages. Usually, my dad would at 5 pm when the tortoise is ready to head indoors call him. The tortoise would listen and walk towards him.

    This is the size of my sulcata as compared to my slippers.

    Thank you for spending your time reading this post. Have a great day.


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