in voilk •  2 months ago

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    Before the modern age, we were in a time where humans care less about their appearance. The only things that we think of is only how to eat, sleep, procreate and that is just it.
    With the ability of the mind to think vast, comes inventions which brought about modernization. Though this modernization has not touched most part of earth, it has greatly influenced the looks of the planet and mostly, how things are being done nowadays.

    Before now, we care less about fashion. The only thing we care about is just the ability to hunt for food and the only part of the body that is covered is majorly the gonads, including the breast (if female). Even up till date, there are places in the world that cares less about their fashion style.

    Job hunting has been part of the world which is brought about by the advent of modernization. However, the appearance during an interview is very crucial to getting the job. There are many things to assess before and during an interview, however, In today’s world, the first thing that is being assessed before an interview is the physical appearance. Not trying to criticize this but i think the appearance should not be the primary thing to look after during an interview. The experience in the given field is the major thing that should be looked into.
    A person may not have enough funds to take good care of their physical appearance, thus, making them look somewhat homeless during an interview. Some may not be able to look as good and shiny because of the nature of the job (speaking from the nursing perspective). Based on this, i think that the major thing to look into is not the physical appearance but the mental and behavioural appearance which is the skills.

    A person may look as good as Michael Jackson during a show, but may lack the skills necessary for the job. However, the appearance is not the major thing that is needed in an interview, but the skill is.

    Though i have been talking in favor of the skills throughout this post, i think skills alone is not enough. Looking good is a very good green light to show that a person is brilliant and knows what he or she is doing. In the nursing profession, the looks is not actually what is needed, however, to avoid embrasment, you will not want to dress like a mad person to an interview. I think both dressing well and the skills should be in equilibrium. Dress good and go for that interview while having the required skills necessary for the given position.

    Personally, i thing that this it is right to take the physical appearance into consideration and also take the skills too. based on this, i think the system should put both the physical appearance and the skills into consideration and just just the appearance. This is because in nursing, the physical appearance is enough to reassure a patient and give the mindset that you actually know what you are doing and will not take their lives for granted.

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