Carpe diem. 🌳

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Kažu, treba iskoristiti dan da dan ne iskoristi tebe !
    Dok je ćerka bila u školi, moj drug i ja smo se organizovali da je sačekamo ispred škole i da je nakon dugog sedenja izmedju četiri zida, odvedemo na planinu i zajedno iskoristimo ostatak dana i provedemo ga u prirodi. Vreme u prirodi nikada nije izgubljeno vreme. 🙂🥰

    They say, you should take advantage of the day so that the day doesn't take advantage of you!
    While my daughter was at school, my friend and I organized ourselves to wait for her in front of the school and, after a long time sitting between four walls, take her to the mountain and use the rest of the day together and spend it in nature. Time in nature is never wasted time. 🙂





    Nakon što smo se popeli do prvog vidikovca, odlučili smo da naručimo piće i kafu u jednim prelepom kafiću u kome odnedavno postoji i kuhinja. Na tom mestu se okupljaju i učesnici ekstremnih sportova. Pogled na grad je zaista nesvakidašnji. Miriše bagrem i greje umereno banatsko sunce. Nekada je na tom mestu bila vazdušna banja. Ljudi koji su tu dolazili na vazdušno kupanje se više ne okupljaju, ali kvalitet vazduha je ostao isti. Zato smo odlučili da tu provedemo neko vreme.
    Zatim smo pronašli staru stazu koja je vodila do Kule iz vremena kada smo se borili protiv Turske vojske. . .

    After climbing to the first lookout point, we decided to order a drink and a coffee in a beautiful cafe that recently has a kitchen. Participants of extreme sports also gather at that place. The view of the city is truly extraordinary. It smells of acacia and is warmed by the moderate Banat sun. There used to be an air spa in that place. People who used to come there for air bathing no longer gather, but the air quality has remained the same. So we decided to spend some time there.
    Then we found the old path leading to the Tower from when we fought the Turkish army. . .




    Staza je bila vrlo strma. Morali smo jedni drugima da pomažemo. Oko stena je bilo žbunova kroz koje smo morali da se provlačimo.

    The path was very steep. We had to help each other. There were bushes around the rocks that we had to crawl through



    Nastavili smo da se penjemo. Palo je veče, ali još uvek je moglo da se vidi. Kroz drveće su se probijali poslednji zraci koji su nam osvetljavala put.

    We continued to climb. It was evening, but it was still visible. The last rays were breaking through the trees to light our way.




    Usput nam se pridružio još jedan član- prelepi pas! Ne znamo odakle je došao, ali je i on želeo da ide u šetnju. Super! Idemo dalje!

    On the way, another member joined us - a beautiful dog! We don't know where he came from, but he also wanted to go for a walk. Great! Move on!




    U daljini se videla Kula. Ok, još samo nekoliko metara i stigli smo.
    Staza je zadnjih nekoliko metara bila mokra. Verovatno se zemlja natopila kišom oa se napravilo blato. Malo smo klizili ali uspeli smo da se popnemo.

    The Tower could be seen in the distance. Ok, just a few more meters and we're there.
    The track was wet for the last few meters. Probably the earth got soaked with rain and mud was formed. We were sliding a bit, but we managed to climb up.





    Naš četvoronožni prijatelj se prvi popeo i posmatrao pejzaž, a mi smo obilazili Kulu i istorijska mesta. Sreli smo još turista.

    Our four-legged friend went up first and looked at the scenery, while we toured the Tower and the historical sites. We met more tourists.





    Nakon pola sata, Sunce i Mesec su zamenili mesta. Pala je noć. 🌜✨ Krenuli smo niz brdo ka kući. Staza je bila osvetljena ali na nekim mestima u šumi, morali smo da uključimo lampe na telefonima. Ubrzo smo stigli do grada. Svi smo se nakon šetnje osećali pročišćeni.
    Iskoristili smo dan.. .jer, treba da ispunimo godine životom a ne život godinama. . .

    After half an hour, the Sun and the Moon switched places. Night fell. 🌜✨ We headed down the hill towards home. The trail was lit, but in some places in the forest, we had to turn on the flashlights on our phones. We soon reached the city. We all felt purified after the walk.
    We took advantage of the day... ...because we should fill the years with life and not life with years. . .

    Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

    Greetings from Anka vregolana!

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