HIVE OPEN MIC week 258 Under my skin. Todo se derrumbo dentro d mi (cover) by @eudarcabello [ESP/ENG]

Cuando crei que todo mejoraba, una materia que llevaba floja la logre aprobar, ahora la que llevaba mas alta se me fue en picada por la presentación del proyecto, digamos la evalucion mas importante de todo el postgrado y lo arruine.
When I thought that everything was getting better, I managed to pass a subject that I had been doing poorly, now the one that I had been doing better went downhill because of the presentation of the project, let's say the most important evaluation of the whole postgraduate course and I ruined it.
Hola gente linda de la comunidad de HIVE OPEN MIC por acá @eudarcabello y esta vez para participar en la semana 258 que se titula Under my skin. No me quise dejar este post para último minuto pero no tuve mas opcion, seguramente estare mas ocupado con el postgrado, espero mejorar con los posts a futuro, intente pero se me complicó, sin mencionar que ahora si se viene el tiempo de las evaluaciones constante para las ultimas materias que me quedan. Termino siendo reconfortante hacer esta canción, definitivamente me ayudó a liberar un poco eo estres, sigo con la misma dinámica de no practicar tanto como debería las canciones y menos ahora con lo del postgrado encima, se trata del tema popularizada por el cantante español Enmanuel titulado "Todo se derrumbo dentro de mi". Esta termino siendo la elección y sin dudas necesitaba hacerla, en muchas partes la cancion suele tirularse todo se derrumbo, asi sin mas, pero asi es que yo la conoci, aunque no creo que soné bien del todo, segun yo no pudo haber mejor canción que se me ocurriera para esta tematica y respeto si no opinas lo mismo.
Hello beautiful people of the HIVE OPEN MIC community here @eudarcabello and this time to participate in week 258 which is titled Under my skin. I didn't want to leave this post for the last minute but I had no other option, I'll probably be more busy with the postgraduate course, I hope to improve with the posts in the future, I tried but it was complicated, not to mention that now is the time of constant evaluations for the last subjects that I have left. It ended up being comforting to do this song, it definitely helped me to release some stress, I continue with the same dynamic of not practicing as much as I should the songs and less now with the postgraduate on top, it is the theme popularized by the Spanish singer Enmanuel titled "Everything collapsed inside me" . This ended up being the choice and without a doubt I needed to do it, in many parts the song tends to be Everything collapsed, just like that, but this is how I met her, although I don't think I sounded good at all, according to me there couldn't be a better song that I could think of for this theme and I respect if you don't think the same thing.

Saben que es lo mas gracioso? Que se supone que el orden de expositores fueron los que mejor presentaron la primera vez, asi que supongo que este era su premio. Para mi fue lo peor posible, juro que se que no es una pesadilla porque sé que mi cabeza no podria recrear este escenario tan fatal para mi vida.
You know what is the funniest thing? That the order of exhibitors was supposed to be the ones who presented the best the first time, so I guess this was their prize. For me it was the worst thing possible, I swear I know it's not a nightmare because I know my head could not recreate this fatal scenario for my life.
Solia ser reconocido por mis buenas ponencias de los temas que presentara, justo cuando ahora necesito explotar al maximo esa virtud que crei tener, me resulta fallar. Quede humillado como profesional, de verdad deseo ya salirme de todo lo que tenga que ver con mi profesion y volver a cuando era camarografo o algun trabajo que no necesite para nada de la inteligencia, ya que hoy senti que no existe en mi.

I used to be recognized for my good presentations of the topics I presented, just when now I need to exploit to the maximum that virtue that I thought I had, I fail. I was humiliated as a professional, I really want to get out of everything that has to do with my profession and go back to when I was a cameraman or some job that did not need intelligence at all, because today I felt that it does not exist in me.
Intento dejar que todas las cosas en mi vida fluyan, capaz puede que intente forzar un poco todo, como con el postgrado de Biología Marina o el intentar ser constante en Hive, pero lo que termine resultando, sé que sabré aceptarlo. Agradecido por todas las cosas buenas que me han pasado y de las malas que me he librado, por tu apoyo, espero tambien visites mis otros post, buenas suerte con tu contenido y hasta la próxima semana.
I try to let all the things in my life flow, I might try to force everything a little bit, like with the Marine Biology postgraduate course or trying to be constant in Hive, but whatever ends up turning out, I know I will know how to accept it. Grateful for all the good things that have happened to me and the bad things that I have gotten rid of, for your support, I hope you also visit my other posts, good luck with your content and see you next week.

▶️ 3Speak