Splinterlands Ranked Reward Will Overhauled in Less Than 2 Weeks, No More Annoying Potion ! | Splinterlands Weekly Socmed Challene

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Weekly Socmed Challenge.jpg

    Hello everyone, welcome back to Ramadhanight's Hive Blog on Splinterlands Weekly Social Media Challenge's Session. Following the ranked matches system that already changed, now we are prepared to get the reward overhaul again, as the chest system will be changed. How the new system will be ? Let's start this session !


    Current Ranked Reward System

    Old system.jpg

    The current system adopted focus point system, which will give you a chest on each certain points. You could grind as much, but it will getting harder for each chest since the points needed will grow bigger gradually. After the end of the day, you can chose to open it and started over from 0 chest again, you can not keep the chest unopened if you want a new quest.
    The chest contains with random item inside, these could be a card, sps, merits, or potions and we can't chose what we want
    This system give you no control about when you can open the chest, and what kind of reward that you get. As example, most of us might want cards for battling, or pulling high amount of sps, but ended up spammed by some legendary potions, after those hard battle and high renting cost 😂


    New Ranked Reward System

    The complete explanation are posted by official splinterlands post Town Hall ,simply click that link and read the post, or I will explain some important points here :

    -The overhaul of Ranked reward is scheduled to go live April 2nd;
    -We will earn reward points called Glint to be used in the new reward shop, so we will not directly get the chest like the current system
    -We can use Glint the reward shop, with the option will include: reward cards, potions, energy, merits, and limited edition titles
    -We can save our Glint from many seasons to make a large purchase (there is myth among players if we spam open many chest, there is higher chance to get the big prize)
    -Gladiator cards will be able to be burned for merits
    -Focus system with removed and there is a plan to create something more robust in the future

    The team also says that there will be a post that will come out before April 2nd with more details about the changes


    How it Will Affect The Game

    With the changes implemented, there must be impact that will occurs to the game, in my perspective, this would have some impact to the game :
    -The reward cards will circulated more since we can to redeem them rather than curent random system. This will give the chance for new players to chase up and blend in the game by having those souldbound cards that are not rentable;
    -The sps reward might reduce if old players that don't need more cards and try grab sps are not balanced by new sps pool;
    -More and more benefit for high tier players ? If there is no different for each league such as the chest system, then we could easily said that those high tier players will get much more Glint to be changed for the reward that they want.



    The ranked battle overhaul is part of game development and in my opinion is a good things so new players could cope with the game by easier getting the souldbound cards rather than getting random chest that often contains lotions. But on the other hands, the most wanted reward might having the pool easily drained, so if there is no updates about the pool, the reward for sps might be reduced due to many people chosing it. Let's see what the dev will bring before the April 2nd about more details of the updates !


    Final Words

    Thank you for kindly read my post, i hope you enjoyed this post and could give another view about this updates by put it on comment section.
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