Splinterlands battle mage secrets: Five Alive - Only your 5 strongest monsters are needed

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hello Splinterlands


    This week's splinter lands battle mage secret is FIVE ALIVE

    A rule set that you are only allowed to use 5 monsters, nothing more than that. In a rule like this, you are expected to come up with your best 5 monsters.

    I don't play defense in most of this rule set because I think it is better to attack and eliminate the opponent rather than play defense and the opponent cleared you out with his offensive team


    I got a rule like this combined with two other rulesets which are:

    • Lost legendaries: This is a rule in which legendary monsters can not be used, only common, rare, and epic monsters are allowed but it does not affect legendary summoners.

    • Broken Arrows: Range monsters can not be used in the battle so our only options are melee, magic, and nonattack monsters.

    At first, I wanted to play defense because of the absence of range attacks and I thought the opponent would use more magic monsters but I changed my mind at the nick of time and we ended up using the same splinter, summoner and there was only one different monster.

    battle link

    I would have lost the battle if I played offense based on the strong monsters he used but fortunately, I predicted right and came up with something similar. The only difference was that I used a healer while he chose to use a monster with blast and Affliction abilities.. My opponent is not a preacher of love... He is so violent.

    My Formation

    Arkemis The Bear

    The Bear was my tank and I was not surprised the opponent also used it as his tank because we know how strong it is, and the force field ability that renders giant monsters with 5 attack power useless is a better reason to use it, he did great in this battle charging the opponent monsters and also receiving heavy blows from the opponent.

    Coastal Sentry

    I doubted a bit before using sentry and that is because of her % melee power, I predicted the opponent was going to use The Bear and I was right but I also guess he was going to use deep lurker that is going to reduce sentry melee attack by 1, so that gives me the confidence I needed to use it, it eliminated the opponent bear and sentry, The opponent was unlucky because his sentry missed my bear.

    Anasth Soothsayer

    This monster was the only difference in both teams, It was the healer I used that the opponent didn't, he used a monster with affliction and blast ability instead... Soothsayer did awesome as she supplied more health to my bear and also took away the negativity stats like the halving from it, It was a flawless victory because of Anasth.


    The Deep lurker had one miss against the opponent bear but that was it as it did not miss any of his other targets and he did amazingly well with his poison.

    Nerissa Tridawn

    Nerissa was my last monster with 5 magic attacks, It did tremendously well after the death of the opponent bear, the 5 magic power was helpful, the combo of all my monsters made me win the battle... The opponent might have a good chance if he used a healer too.

    if you want to be a part of this week's Splinterlands Battle mage secrets, you can join from here

    All pictures are gotten from Splinterlands lore and game

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    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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