# Continue to struggle in the silver league - Splinter Stats Ranked Rewards Season 41 Report Card

in voilk •  4 months ago


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    Hello, summoner Splinterlands. In this post, I will go over my performance from the previous season. You can do the same thing with your own account. Use the Splinterlands Season Card Report. Maybe it can help you as much as it did me.

    Match Report


    Silver Rank404
    Rating1507 - Silver II
    Rating High1558
    Ratio (Win/Loss)0.61 (121/198)
    Longest Streak5

    In the 114th season, I finished 363rd with a win ratio of 0.55. With the highest rating of 1601 points, I can finish the season in Silver League 1. In the previous 115 seasons, I could only make it to the Silver II league with a maximum rating of 1558 points. Only the win ratio increased to 0.61 over 198 fights. This is because I lose fighting energy toward the end of the season.


    Rewards Report

    Standard Foil Cards
    Total Standard50
    Gold Foil Cards
    Total Gold2

    Loot Chests

    Reward ChestsDailiesSeasonTotal💲Token
    Legendary Potions161127🟡 1080
    Alchemy Potions101525🟡 1250
    DEC00-🟣 0
    SPS23.8154.610-⭐ 28.425
    Merits427148-🎀 575
    CHAOS Packs000🟡 0
    Cards (Total)312152-

    Captured DEC/SPS (Ranked Rewards)

    Ranked Play WinsDEC Earned
    121🟣 0 + ⭐104.299

    Total Ranked Play Rewards

    Total Ranked Play Earnings
    🟣 0 DEC
    🟡 2330 CREDITS
    ⭐ 132.724 SPS

    Then what about getting cards? In season 114, I received 43 cards, with the best result being one epic card. Meanwhile, the SPS for ranked rewards is 95,291 SPS.

    In season 115, my card acquisition increased to 50, but the highest result remained one epic card. The cards obtained included two common gold cards. It's just that the SPS gain from Ranked rewards decreased to 132,724 SPS.

    The end-of-season chest prizes are also shown in the display below.



    🟣 Rental Report

    Expenses (inc. fees)(381.400)
    Cancellation Refunds115.513

    Based on the card rental report, I spent 59,768 DEC during season 114. Meanwhile, in Season 115, I increased the strength of my card by spending 265,887 DEC. Attrition has increased by more than 150% since the previous season.


    ⭐ SPS Report

    Type⭐ Amount
    Staking Rewards39.375
    Ranked Rewards as above132.724
    Brawl Rewards65.286
    Tower Defense0.995
    NET SPS238.380

    Meanwhile, SPS acquisition grew from 179,584 SPS in season 114 to 238,380 SPS in season 115. This is because Brawl and ranked rewards account for the majority of SPS income.


    This is an example of my performance last season. There are increases and decreases, on the other hand. It's just that I still have some extra assets from my season in Splinterlands. I need to find another strategy so that the increase in assets is greater in the next season. I've also begun to investigate the potential of LAND, as well as adding several Rebellion series cards to MAGE WAGON.

    That's all, and thank you for reading to the end. And have fun in the splinterlands.

    🍃 Much appreciated. Terima kasih banyak. Muchas gracias. 🍃

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    Posted using SplinterStats Season Report Card (Website|Blog).
    This once a season tool for Splinterlands players provides a template to reflect on and share their performance, card usage statistics and rewards summary for the season. More features will be released in the future.
    Follow @splinterstats and come visit us in Discord if you have any questions.

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