Me turning a year older in July

in voilk •  5 months ago


    Me turning a year older in July

    When I was younger, birthdays were never a big deal to me. I didn't care much about parties or gifts. It was just another day. Even at the office, when coworkers would buy me a cake, I would just say thanks and move on with my work. The special attention made me uncomfortable.
    But now that I'm approaching 34, I am realizing birthdays are worth celebrating. It is an accomplishment to make it through another year. Why not take a day to be grateful for that? My perspective has really shifted.

    I think turning 30 specifically feels like an important milestone. It's not a kid's birthday anymore or even your wild 20s. 34 feels like entering true adulthood. I feel very much more secure in who I am now than my younger self. 34 years of life experience is something to be proud of and I am happy about it.

    So this year 2024, for the big 3-4, I'm planning to really celebrate for the first time. No more just quick office cakes. I'm going to appreciate my birthday! I am lucky to have wonderful friends and family who want to make the day special for me.
    I'm looking forward to dinner at my favorite restaurant with my closest pals. They have been with me through so many ups and downs over the years. Sharing funny memories and cheers-ing to the decade ahead will mean a lot.

    Good food with great company - what more could I want?
    My sister excitedly offered to plan a big backyard bash with all our relatives too. I can not wait to catch up with cousins I haven't seen in ages. I know she will decorate with twinkly lights and my favorite colors. It will be an evening I will always remember.

    I even decided to treat myself to a solo trip this birthday. I am going on a weekend getaway to the beach before the party. A little rest and relaxation on the sand to reflect on the past 34 years. Some much needed "me time" to recharge for the busyness ahead.

    I have a feeling this birthday will be one for the books. Being showered with love and well wishes still makes me a little shy. But I am working on opening myself to receive the joy of this milestone year. 34 is an exciting new chapter ahead and I plan to embrace it fully!

    Turning 34 proves I've made it through so much already. I'm blessed to still be here to see this year. With the people I love most by my side, I know my birthday is going to be overflowing with gratitude and celebration. Here's to three decades down and so many more adventures to come! What an amazing gift.

    After years of just going through the motions on my birthday, I'm genuinely looking forward to celebrating turning 34 this July. It really snuck up on me, but 34 feels significant in a way other birthdays haven't. This will be a big party done right!

    Next my family is throwing a huge backyard barbecue bash. My sister is planning fun games and decorating with sunflowers, my favorites. I smile just picturing the dance floor under string lights that my dad will set up. He always gets so into celebrating and makes sure the whole extended family comes. Seeing all the cousins will make me feel so loved.

    Even my coworkers want to surprise me with a cake. Though I used to brush off the office celebrations, their effort now touches me. It's sweet they want to recognize the hard work I've put into this career over the last decade. I think I'll even make a little thank you speech!

    The weekend before, I am gifting myself a solo beach trip too. Reading by the waves, digging my toes in the sand, unwinding at the spa - this getaway is exactly what I need before the festivities. Time to reflect on the years behind and the adventures ahead.

    Turning 34 proves I have so much to celebrate - health, family, friends, opportunities. This birthday feels special because I am finally opening myself up to appreciate it all. For once, I will let go of modesty to soak up the well wishes and enjoy the moment.

    I can not wait to dance under the twinkly backyard lights with my loved ones nearby. Here is to embracing your 30s in all their glory! With my people by my side, this birthday will kick off an amazing new decade. I am ready now to take it all in with joy and gratitude. This is 34!

    Thank you for reading my post

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