Gunung Arjuna dari kejauhan - Mount Arjuna From a Distance

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Gunung Arjuna1

    Mount Arjuna from distance. Focal length 200 mm, aperture F 7.1, shutter speed 1/320 s. (Doc. private)

    Kemarin pagi ketika akan melakukan aktifitas olah raga, tanpa sengaja saya menoleh dan melihat ke kejauhan dari teras kamar saya di lantai 2. Terlihat area pegunungan Arjuna yang lumayan jelas dari kejauhan, sebenarnya kabut embun pagi hari agak menganggu penglihatan.

    Yesterday morning when I was going to do sports activities, I accidentally turned my head and looked into the distance from the terrace of my room on the 2nd floor. I could see the Arjuna mountain area quite clearly from a distance, actually the morning dew was a bit disturbing to my eyesight.

    Gunung Arjuna2

    Mount Arjuna from distance. Focal length 200 mm, aperture F 7.1, shutter speed 1/320 s. (Doc. private)

    Gunung Arjuna3

    Mount Arjuna from distance. Focal length 200 mm, aperture F 7.1, shutter speed 1/320 s. (Doc. private)

    Kabut di pagi hari yang menganggu membuat hasil foto yang tidak maksimal, sehingga akhirnya saya lakukan pengeditan dengan menggunakan software GIMP untuk membuat area pegunungan Arjuna terlihat lebih jelas.

    The annoying fog in the morning made the photo results not optimal, so in the end I made edits using GIMP software to make the Arjuna mountain area look clearer.

    Gunung Arjuna4

    Mount Arjuna from distance. Focal length 200 mm, aperture F 6.3, shutter speed 1/320 s. (Doc. private)

    Camera Lens Translation tool
    Canon M50 Sigma DC 18-200 mm Google Translate

    Garis divider.png

    Logo happyphoenix 2024.png

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