Eating Unlimited Chicken Wings while Wearing Faceshield and Facemask

in voilk •  3 months ago

    It was during the pandemic when everyone needed to wear face shields and facemasks before we could enter the mall. My mother, our neighbor, and I had a window shopping.
    Just look at the face of my mother and see how happy she is that she finally entered the mall even unvaccinated. Even if covered with a facemask, her eyes tell us that she is grateful to the security for having her entered. In the family, none of us are vaccinated because we’re scared of its effect on our bodies. There were various reports that after the shot, they fainted and had vertigo. Both are our greatest fears.
    We dropped by the restaurant namely Hukad. Hukad is a Bisayan language that means serve the food on the table or served food. They have Filipino dishes that were costly, so we moved to a restaurant with unlimited chicken wings.
    The unlimited chicken wings of the restaurant cost 3.48$ with fries and rice. The chicken wings have also 6 flavors, as well as the fries.
    Juice is also unlimited. There are 6 chicken wings in one platter. You should not be full because after you finish eating one platter, it’s unlimited to get another platter. Yet, my mother and I had only eaten one platter. The way we eat isn't suitable for eating all you can because tummy become full easily.
    Because it was a pandemic, the table was divided by a plastic in the middle. There were only two people allowed at each table but with social distancing. I was alone at my table. Funny to remember that friends and family need to have social distancing at restaurants when after eating, they sit closer together in a car and at home.
    My mother and ate Bebs took their money from their wallet and talked whose gonna pay. My mother asked how much is the bill, but Bebs insisted she was the one who paid. She’s a kind of a person who likes to treat others but she doesn’t wanna be treated.
    We went to the grocery store after our lunch. We wanted fresh fruits and vegetables. The fruits are still cold, but we were surprised by the prices compared to the prices at the outside market.!
    My mother couldn't even decide which fruit to put in a cart because mostly are expensive. Langihan Market is a famous market in Caraga as they display fish and vegetables at the cheapest price. My mother said that if we only went there, we can buy plenty of healthy fruits and vegetables. Yet, even at the crowded place of the wet market was super strict as the mall. The put a bamboo fence with police guards at the entrance. No vaccine, no enter was the policy so we only bought at the expensive Robinsons. I'm grateful that today, those pandemic protocols are gone. COVID is slowly disappearing.How about you? What was your grocery experience during pandemic times?


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