.psl [Personal System Log] ( EN / ES )

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Day of the Lord

    Sunday, saint on top...
    And thank God some normality came back home.
    With my partner things are calmer again, in short we both have a lot of pressure and things that cost us in life.
    And at times, when both of us are together at the same time.... well it is difficult.

    Anyway, the thing is that we are better.
    Also today my little brother came home for lunch, he is 28 years old, only 6 years older than my daughter.
    I have been with him for 16 years, and he is a bit lost in life. And lately I was quite disappointed in him, and I had a hard time with his behavior.
    I had a long overdue talk, but I needed to be somewhat at peace to deal with him in a constructive way.
    And so it was, today at the table I already told him if he comes for a walk afterwards with me, that I wanted to talk to him.
    He was receptive, which surprised me, I thought he was going to be defensive. But no, it was almost as if he was waiting for someone to tell him things straight.
    I told him with all the love of an older brother, but as they are and as serious as they are.

    A while ago we went for a walk with me and my partner Eli. First with the dogs and then we went alone for a while in the bush with the last rays of sunshine.

    Now sitting in front of the pc, watching Nightmare in the kitchen and writing this.
    Then at some point I will go to sleep, and tomorrow start the week and the month constructive, productive and above all more positive.

    Love to all, and amen

    I am thankful for::

    • for my family
    • for being able to learn
    • for being able to love

    Tomorrow I'm going to:

    • work hard
    • love more
    • hate less

    Día del señor

    Domingo, santo encima...
    Y gracias a dios volvio algo de normalidad a casa.
    Con mi pareja las cosas vuelven a estar mas tranquilas, en fin ambos tenemos bastante presión y cosas que nos cuestan en la vida.
    Y en momentos, cuando se nos junta a los dos a la vez... bueno es difícil.

    En fin la cosa es que estamos mejor.
    Tambien hoy se paso mi hermano pequeño por casa a comer, pequeño pero ya tiene 28 Años, solo 6 mas que mi hija.
    Yo le llevo 16 años, y anda algo perdido en la vida. Y últimamente estaba bastante decepcionado de el, y me costaba mucho su comportamiento.
    Tenía una charla pendiente desde hace tiempo, pero necesitaba estar algo en paz para afrontar eso con el de forma constructiva.
    Y así fue, hoy en la mesa ya le dije si viene dar un paseo después conmigo, que quería hablar con el.
    Fue receptivo, cosa que me sorprendio pense que iba ponerse a la defensiva. Pero no, casi era como estuviera esperando que alguien le dijera las cosas claras.
    Se las dije con todo el amor de un hermano mayor, pero si tal como son y serias.

    Hace un rato fuimos dar un paseo yo y Eli mi pareja. Primero con los perros y después fuimos solo un rato por el monte con los últimos rayos de sol.

    Ahora sentado delante del pc, mirando Pesadilla en la cocina y escribiendo esto.
    Después en algún momento me ire a dormir, y mañana empezar la semana y el mes constructivo, productivo y sobre todo mas positivo.

    Amor para todos, y amén

    Doy las gracias por:

    • por mi familia
    • ser capaz de aprender
    • ser capaz de amar

    Mañana voy a:

    • trabajar duro
    • amar mas
    • odiar menos

    Thank you for reading :) - Gracias por leer :)

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