Today is Friday! Everyone’s happy 😃 LaLa La La!

in voilk •  3 months ago

    I had to wait for some days so I could be able to get this post done. I don't want it to be on another day apart from my favourite day of the week. So I had to postpone the content till today.

    Today is Friday!

    I don't know what exactly makes me like this day so much. There might be different reasons to like this day. Even if you didn't like it before, the very moment you got enrolled in school you will like this day.

    Friday is for everyone.

    As a student when it’s Friday, then you get to know that the next day is Saturday. That's a joy on its own. So no school tomorrow and the next. The happiness from that is quite unimaginable. I can fully relate to that because I have been in those moments before.

    Another good thing about Fridays as a student is the fact that we would have to close academics as early as possible. You can only be free to leave the school premises by 1:00 pm on Fridays. As for other days of the week, there is a constant closing hour which makes it extra boring.

    For Fridays, we get our break time as early and everyone would be prepared to leave, even the teachers involved, they also have this joy of Fridays. Where they would leave teaching for that day as early and have some rest for the weekend. If you have been a teacher before I am sure you would be able to relate well with this.

    The same thing applies to all other workers, once it’s Friday, they close work early and prepare to have a nice weekend. To some, their only resting time is just that Friday after work, because Saturday might be for outings and vacations and Sunday might also be for church services before it's Monday again. So tell me why you don't like Friday?

    Friday for Jumaat prayer

    This is the best part of Friday for every Muslim. Knowing that you will have to pray that Congregational prayer happens just once a week and this is the only avenue for Muslims to pray together as one big forum, and also you meet with people you might have not seen for some while over the week again.

    Friday to all Muslims is a day where we are commanded to put on the best of our attires, and also dress well for prayers. The joy is just like having a Sallah celebration but this isn’t happening yearly, instead it’s happening weekly.

    Come to think about how special Fridays are, throughout the week your company or whichever workplace you are, it might be mandatory that you put on something smart or there is some sort of uniform to wear for the week. But on Fridays, there is always the freedom to wear whichever clothes you want as much as your native attire. Only on this Friday of all days!

    Friday has been my best day of the week right from childhood. And now that I am even older, I still love Fridays so much.

    Header Image from Pixabay; Pixabay


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