Making A Difference

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Inspiration will not come to you - you must go to it.- Becca Fitzpatrick

    I think it’s worth noting that inspiration sparks influence. Inspiration itself is a broad word but in a lay man’s language, it’s basically being influenced positively by another person to do better for yourself and others.

    What inspires you and how does it inspire? Who do you inspire? Inspiration can come in different forms and at different places. We get inspired by others every blessed day we barely realise it. Today for instance, one of the speakers at the Hive Tech Conference I attended inspired me so much with his speech and his journey so far in his field. I believe we are mostly inspired by things or people who are more inclined towards what we are more involved in.

    For example, it’s normal to be inspired by someone on the blockchain to do better on Hive and that’s mostly how inspiration works. I am passionate about making an impact in society and also in the lives of others. I know that most definitely what I do inspires others in one way or the other and they also try to do better for themselves and others. As an individual , I should be able to inspire others to do even better than what I am doing or what I’ve done. It’s more like a teacher and student relationship. The student looks up to the teacher and as they say, the teacher should be able to train the student to be twice as good as him. That’s the only way you know that you have made a change.

    I inspire people through what I do and say. The world needs more of us than you can imagine. There’s no way that we can say that our world is a perfect place, it’s nowhere close. But we can say that at least we tried to make it a better place by inspiring our younger generation to do better.

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