Immortalis - Latest Brawl Reports - Opening Gladius Case And My Rewards for the Last 5 Days | Splinterlands

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hello Friends, I hope everything is going well in your life. In the last Brawl, I entered in 9 battles and won 8 of them, and we came 3rd as the Dark Assassins guild. It was really great to come in 3rd place, but if I remember correctly, this was one of the worst results we have had as a guild in recent times. To be honest, the battles in Brawl are really harder than the previous ones, so it is not as easy as it used to be.


    Summoner Immortalis helps me a lot in winning many battles in Brawl and ranked battles, and I choose it as the summoner in many battles and it does a really great job and helps me a lot in winning the battles. Here are the 4 battles where I chose Immortalis as Summoner in the last Brawl.

    Battle Link 1 - Battle Link 2 - Battle Link 3 - Battle Link 4

    Last week, I published a post about my Immortalis Summoner card review, you can check it out here if you want.


    In the last Brawl, I fought 8 battles and won 5 of them, and we came 3nd as the Dark Assassins guild. And we received 2,750 Merits and 17.751 SPS as rewards. I think we are a pretty powerful guild so I have no doubt that we will be #1 as a guild in the next Brawl

    Opening Gladius Case

    I got 2 epic cards from the Gladius case, especially it was great to get another copy of Edith Emberstar and I was able to level it up to level 2 today.

    Edith Emberstar

    To be honest, I didn't use my Edith Emberstar card much in battles, but now it can attack the target with 5 ranged attacks, which is really brutal, so I have no doubt that I will try it more in battles from now on.

    FOCUS REWARDS (My Rewards in the Last 5 Days)

    I really enjoy being in this fascinating world and I play Splinterlands almost every day, I'm absolutely addicted to this game. I haven't been able to get good rewards from gold chests in the last 5 days and my bad luck continues in this season. So how are your rewards? I wonder if the rewards have decreased or am I just very unlucky.

    I hope your rewards are amazing and I wish you all the best of luck.

    All Images Taken from Splintelands.

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    Thank you for reading.

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